Thursday, July 12, 2012

What is a Multilayer PCB?

A Multilayer PCBs consist of multiple layers of electronic components placed over each other. Through-hole construction was the technology that was used to deal with planting the electrical components through the holes on the Printed Board Curcuit and then soldering them together. When this technology was found wanting in complex cases, Point-to-Point construction technology evolved. This proved to be better than its predecessor, but in no way is it comparable to a multilayer PCB. The development of multilayer PCB has allowed electronic companies to drastically cut down on the cost and size of their products. The functionality of a multilayer Printed Board Circuit depends on the internal connections between the various components that make up the entire device. Until and unless these components work in tandem, the device is non-functional. In the case of most technology, the urge to improve product performance makes the products bulky, whereas the flexible design of the multilayer PCBs has entirely replaced the rigid single-layered PCB design. The high-class wiring and the flexible parts have improved the performance of many products, especially automated and complex devices such as computers and cellular phones. Technology today has come a long way, culminating in the manufacture of multilayer PCBs that can contain as many as twenty-four layers, depending on usage and the complexity of the product itself. Multilayered PCBs have also facilitated the ease of manufacturing, since most of them are pre-mounted and prefabricated. Although manufacturing these prefabricated multilayered PCBs is a complex process, the final stage has now become a matter of assembly rather than manufacturing. Any discussion of this technology would be incomplete without mentioning the tools and materials that are required for using a multilayer PCB. These are: *Powerful drill *Copper etcher *Laminating press *Copper plating cell *And most importantly - a well-ventilated area The reasons behind the development of the multilayer PCB are numerous, although some may think the technology was unnecessary while standard PCBs were doing fine. As discussed earlier, a multilayer PCB has a more flexible structure and can considerably reduce the size of the device. This is not the only reason. The cost of production using conventional PCBs was very high and costs only increased with new developments. By contrast, a multilayer PCB, in addition to providing revolutionary on-board components, more often than not needs only reprogramming. Moreover, mass production has become easier due to prefabricated multilayered PCBs. Instant installation or assembly of multilayer PCBs means electronic companies have definitely experienced a rise in their production rates. In case you are wondering about the longevity or quality of these circuit boards, they are very well packaged and can be left as they are for future use. Once each board is completed, it is thoroughly tested to make sure that it functions properly. In cases of failure, the repair process is easy and can be achieved by replacing the board itself instead of resorting to component-level troubleshooting.

The Characteristics of Soul

At the dawn of spring, I am reminded by my children the joy of anticipating new life. They will usually see a flower or two that has made its way through the soil to a world beyond itself. What starts out as a seedling or bulb is transformed by nature's capacity to evolve. Inside each of us lies dormant an awareness, an identity, an ability to grow beyond what we appear to be. Every moment, we are being challenged by others and by circumstances to create a life that exceeds our present state of living. To move toward our highest good takes a willingness on our part to let go of what we know to what can be known in and through us. You and I are part of the Created Order we see around us, and we are participants in Creating Order out of what we have been given to care for. With this in mind, let us turn to ways our soul can be described in the characteristics that make up a flower: 1. The Ground. The ground nurtures, protects, and gives birth to a flower. Inside the womb of the ground, life is taking root long before we can see it. Because we cannot see a flower that has been planted in the earth, does not mean life is not being created. To be full participants in our world means to be fully connected and rooted in the world we have been given. 2. The Stem. The stem begins its growth in the earth below and into the sky above. This part of the flower is the connecting characteristic of the plant. Much like humanity, we are in this world without being fully of it. This creates a sacredness to our lives. It is our unique ability to live and grow in a way no one ever has, is, or ever will. 3. The Flower.< In full bloom, a flower is the illumination of all the life that has preceded it. The radiance and color that pour out of it create life. Notice the next time you look at a flower how you are affected by it. You may notice your heart open and be filled with joy. Or, you may notice more energy and clarity in your vision for being blessed with great beauty. 4. The Spirit of a Flower. The spirit of a flower is the life force moving in and through it. It is the essence of a flower that identifies with your spirit. This part of you opens from the inside out and becomes ONE with the spirit of a flower. It is the same energy that runs in and through you. Like a flower, you begin to radiate your own soul from the essence of your own being. Each spring, take the time to notice the part of you opening up to new life. Just like flowers, we grow from the inside out. What illuminates in our life began inside us. We nurture these inner qualities of attention until they eventually take root and grow into our daily lives. The growth that follows is created from what we attend to or hold our attention on within us. Like the pedals of a flower opening to the world around it, we create a presence of awareness. In full bloom, the beauty or the lack thereof touches the lives of everyone around us. As our inner patterns of attention move through us, the world illuminates the seeds of awareness contained within us for so long. Here, a life is created. It is the life of our soul.

Plague of the Twentieth Century

We seem to be quite happy and satisfied with everything we have and keep developing and wanting more. We feel safe on one side of a barricade that we've built up between us and those poor people who suffer from the most severe malady, the plague of the twenty first century. It is quite obvious that we divide our world on "us" and "them". While we feel quite happy and live our lives to the fullest, they constantly suffer from prosecution, problems with arranging a life and finding friendly faces in the crowd. Nobody seems to know where the plague came from. The information provided is taken from a sample term paper that gave some additional light onto the problem. Another piece was taken from a custom research paper of those, who are infected. AIDS appeared on African continent as a result of a bad experiment. Peoples of Africa were suffering from a complicated form of malaria and a group of European scientists was sent to help with the vaccination. This group was to find a vaccine from malaria and test it. In the vaccine they used ape tissues and tested. The vaccine mutated and turned into a very serious problem. Now AIDS is a very spread disease. There is no country in the world that doesn't have this problem. Some say that it is a terrible curse given to people for not living an honorable life. Indeed, humans are guilty in spreading this plague all over the world. As we know AIDS is not spread by slight contact, only through blood transfusion, sexual contact or injection made by an infected syringe. After several cases of infection through using infected tools and transfusion of infected blood now all these things are tested and checked for AIDS. The possibility to get it is minimal. The only way is by sexual contact and using not sterilized syringes to make intravenous injections. That means that Intravenous Drug Addicts and quite vulnerable to AIDS and most of them are the carriers. People who don't protect themselves before sexual interference can also be victims. Now the carriers of the virus are separated by an invisible wall that limits their freedom of action On the first of January we celebrate the day of Struggle against AIDS. But it should be better called the day of Struggle against people who have AIDS. They really feel themselves as outsiders and there is still nothing done to improve the situation. It doesn't necessary mean that people who have AIDS are in the gutter of the society. Some of the virus carriers are quite respectable and stand pretty high on the social ladder. What we lack now is information. One can not be infected by communication, hand shaking, having fun together with a virus carrier. They are also people with various interests and ambitious. Not the malady, but we ourselves prevent them from developing. So let's treat them as usual members of society and help them to overcome their fears.

Keep the Children Happy At Your Next Picnic

Planning a backyard party? If kids are involved, parents can do more than dust off the picnic tables and fire up the barbecue. For a "kid-friendly" experience, and to encourage good eating, consider using creative foods and activities to keep children happy and at the table. "The secret is to take what you're already doing and 'fun-it-up' by getting kids involved in the food preparation and party set-up," said Fernando Gonzalez of Dixie, a business of Georgia-Pacific Corp. "If you're serving hamburgers and hot dogs, why not make pizza dogs for the kids?" In the following recipe, a can of pizza sauce and some shredded mozzarella turn a hot dog into a dish that combines two kids' favorites. Children can help by spooning on the sauce, sprinkling cheese on top and adding other toppings. PLUTO PIZZA DOGS (Makes 8 servings) 8 hot dogs 1/2 cup pizza sauce 8 hot dog buns, split 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (4 ounces) 4 medium green onions, sliced if desired Heat coals or gas grill. Cut crosswise diagonal slashes 1/2- inch apart and 1/4-inch deep in each hot dog. Heat pizza sauce until hot; keep warm. Grill hot dogs uncovered 4 to 6 inches from medium heat 10 to 15 minutes, turning frequently, until hot and slashes begin to open. Serve hot dogs on buns. Top with pizza sauce, cheese and onions. For easy, colorful and fun decorations, try disposable tableware for children. Dixie Krazy Kritters features a full place setting that includes plates, cups, bowls, cutlery and napkins in bold designs that kids love. Krazy Kritters plates easily become a simple craft for kids. Just punch two holes on parallel sides of the plate and tie a string through. Cut circles for eyes and you have a quick and easy mask.

Your Expertise is Boring!

I see your lips moving, but all I hear is "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." I know it's not what you want to hear, but quite simply, if you are a speaker, author, consultant or other "expert" I see being interviewed by the news media, your expertise just isn't very interesting. Information is a dime-a-dozen and yours is no different. So in this age of round-the-clock, on-demand, blue tooth, on line, high def., Wi-Fi, via satellite, news junky, at your fingertips world of information, what separates those messages that break through the clutter and the vast majority of expertise that goes un-tapped? The answer is very simple: It's the delivery! Information, delivered by experts in a straightforward fashion, is too often reminiscent of a classroom lecture – Boring! However that same content, deliver with passion, purpose, urgency, spirit and conviction can move people to action and move you to the top of the news media's first call list. The information stored in your brain is merely the entry fee. Your credentials to deliver that content is only the prerequisite. But your crusade is what truly makes you interesting. Your passion for the message is what makes you believable and its timely connection to some current or personal challenge is what makes it relevant. Watch any national morning show, or cable news talk show and note who has the lion's share of camera time. In television news, the one who most deftly steers the conversation, wins. But all too often, experts who are invited to sit on the television set to comment on a story of national interest, merely answer the questions posed to them and provide informed analysis. They are graciously thanked for their time, but rarely asked back. Why? Because most media opportunities are a test in disguise. And most experts unknowingly fail the test. But think for a moment about the experts that have been featured time and time again in the national news – some even being rewarded with their own show. What is the common denominator? Above all else, it is that they are fiercely opinionated. They know what they want to say and aren't afraid to say it. I'm not suggesting that you have to be a jerk to be newsworthy, only that you have to have the conviction that personifies a true thought leader. Good radio talk show hosts, for example, don't bring up a topic and ask for your opinions. Instead they tell you what they think and invite you to agree or disagree. Who among us is inspired to follow, or be moved to action by a credible, yet straightforward, or "dry" expert offering his or her expertise on a story of national or industry-specific interest? To build your business, to attract clients or customer, to inspire others to hire you or buy your books or products, to engender loyalty and inspire true change, you must move beyond the realm of simply being smart and good at what you do. You must truly inspire. And while we are all made up of the same composite materials, we are all wired a little differently. Being overly expressive and delivering content on the edge of your seat can be challenging for some, but it must be done. In working with the news media, we are playing in their sandbox and we must play by their rules, or we won't be asked to play again. For any kind of high-profile sustainability, you've got to provide what television journalists call "Good TV." New, innovative, or provocative solutions to long-standing problems can be good TV. Either healthy exchanges or outright conflict among guests can both be good TV. Good TV means nothing more than being interesting and not blending in. Unfortunately, experts tend to be so immersed in their content that they believe it is the information that is interesting. In reality, it is the passion that brings about "Good TV." The biggest misperception in working with the press is the false notion that when a reporter asks a question, it's because they want to know the answer. Unless it's some sort of news investigation, the purpose of their questions is in most cases, simply to give you a launch pad for your ideas, your input and perspective. I'm not suggesting that you don't answer the question, just use the answer as the springboard for your crusade. Most reporters don't know the subject nearly as well as the guest and you can easily move past the often irrelevant, or less important question by simply employing transitional phrases such as: "While I certainly agree, it's also important to remember that...," "That may be true, but the issue that really concerns me is...," "While that issue is making headlines, we can't forget that...," "people sometimes fail to recognize that...," "I find it fascinating that..." Then say what you came there to say, and do it with passion – regardless of the questions asked. Despite conventional wisdom, the reporter or interviewer will be very appreciative of your media savvy. As most on-air interviews last no more than 90 seconds, I advised my clients to be crystal clear in their mind what they want to say, what they HAVE to say, what is crucial for them to impart to their audience for them to be successful in their business. Then they must make a solemn pledge to themselves (and to me) that they will not get out of that chair until they say it! It's the quid pro quo of working with the press: We help them fill up their newspapers and newscasts with content, and in return, we get a platform to relay our ideas. Use it. Don't waste it. Don't be boring. Be opinionated. Be passionate, relevant, provocative, believable, timely, different, memorable and news-worthy. This article is more than just my opinion and my expertise – it is my crusade. If I had begun this article with a simple admonition to be more animated in your interviews, do you think you'd still be reading? Or would you have turned the page long ago? Remember, there are hundreds of millions of TV remote controls and page-turning fingers out there. Don't be boring and they'll likely stick with you, turn to you and hopefully come back to you.

Helpful Tips Offering Relief From Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches affect millions of individuals around the world. They are extremely painful and hard to bear. Migraines can last anywhere from one hour to three or four days. Within that time, it may literally be impossible for migraine suffers to function properly. Although relief might not come right away, there are many options available that soothe or cure migraine headaches. A migraine is classified as a serve headache that can often impair one's judgment. When a migraine occurs, suffers regularly experience the following symptoms: • Headache • Dizziness • Nausea • difficulty seeing It is not uncommon for migrane suffers to be unable to look at lights or the sun without suffering intense pain. Migrane headache may be brought on by a variety of things. Children and adults are susceptible to migraines, and they often happen unexpectedly. Migraines can be brought on by stress, certain foods, a poor eating habits, or hormones. Migraine headaches are also hereditary, therefore, there are many families may experience migraine headaches at the same time. The best way to get relief from migraine headaches is by speaking to your physician. If you suspect that you are suffering from migraines, you most likely are, however, many treatment options must first be prescribed by a healthcare professional. There are physicians who specialize in migraines and other head related pains, however, your family physician can often diagnose and offer treatment options for receiving relief from migraine headaches. Over the counter pain killers are the best available option for getting quick relief from migraine headaches without visiting a physician. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen are common over-the-counter drug medications that are available at most drug or department stores,and they can normally be purchased at a fairly low price. If you regularly suffer from migraine headaches, it may be a good idea to have some of this medication on hand. There are even over the counter medications designed specifically for relief from migraine headaches. It is important to remember that an excessive dosage of these over-the-counter drugs can cause liver or stomach damage. They relieve, but do not cure, your migraine headaches, nor do they preven them from returning. Over-the-counter medications offer temporary relief for your migraine headaches, often until you have been properly examined and treated by a physician. One of the easiest ways to receive relief from migraine headaches is by sleeping. Although it will not eliminate your pain, rest and relaxation is an effective way to help minimize or reduce the excruciating pain of migraine headaches. If you are able to take a break, laying down or just resting inside a dark, quiet room may allow you to order your thoughts and to reduce your stress levels. Sleeping or resting may offer much needed pain relief from migraine headaches. If you are unable to control the pain associated with your migraine headaches, it is extremely important that you contact your physician. Beta blockers, along with other medications, offer quick relief from migraine headaches, however, they are only available with a prescription. If you experience migraines, do not suffer any longer than you need to. Contact your physician or healthcare professional for effective ways to receive relief from your migraine headaches.

iPod Workouts - A Trainer You Can Take Anywhere

Yesterday I was riding in my truck. I went over a bridge that had some exceptionally quick and repetitive bumps. As I crossed this relatively short bridge and passed an uneventful point in my life something happened that has had me thinking for a full day now. I felt my belly jiggle. And when I looked down, I could sort of see it jiggle from under my shirt. I hated that. So, what do I do about it? Well, if I want to hop on some sort of bandwagon that may actually have the legs to make it into an actual established activity, I need look no further than in the front pocket of my backpack. What's in there? Nothing short of a 20 gig powerhouse packed with nothing less than thousands of my favorite songs. Yes, its my well used ipod. I must confess that for the year or so that I've owned my ipod, the state of my belly has not improved, but seems to have actually deteriorated. But, that was before I began to hear about a new use for it (aside from bothering friends into listening to a song that will "change their life"). Ipod workouts are yet another thing that this apple product is doing that no one expected. Obviously, a benefit while working out with your ipod is its mobility and its ability to absorb shocks that cd players can't. But, the new fad of ipod workouts has taken that at least a step or two further. There have been several workout instructions that are now available to be purchased or downloaded. This is like getting yourself a personal trainer that will walk you through your workouts whenever and wherever your heart desires. Some of these can even come with images that can be displayed on your screen. The point is that at times one of the biggest obstacles in the way of you and a belly that doesn't jiggle when going over bridges is knowing what to do during your workout and having the motivation to do so; and both of these may be significally minimized by using an ipod workout.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Giddy When Lifting Weight In Gym? Training Big Muscle Groups Cause Nausea?

Ask any body builder and everyone will say they will feel light headed, nauseous and even sometimes even puke when they train big muscle groups with exercises such as squats and dead lifts. Some great bodybuilders even take pride that they puke after an intensive bout of weightlifting as an indication that they have had a fantastic workout. But to many, these symptoms are unpleasant, disruptive and could be even be dangerous and cause injuries. Perhaps, you may also have experienced these symptoms as well. What happened? Well, there could be several causes. • First of all, you may have eaten or drunk too much before your gym workout. So you blood is channeled to your digestive organs for your digestive process. But when you begin to exercise intensively especially on big muscle groups, a lot of blood is channeled away from your digestive organs to the muscles. When that happens, food is now in your digestive system left unattended and therefore undigested and thus causing you to feel nauseous. • Your blood sugar level may be low. This could happen when you are on a low carbohydrate caloric restriction diet or have not eaten for sometime and is now lifting heavy weights. You will feel giddy, tired and may even develop a headache and suffering muscular weakness. It simply boils down to a decreased of energy level for not having enough energy nutrients prior to your workout. • The most common cause of nausea when weight lifting is low blood pressure. It could be inherent that you have low blood pressure and if not, it is caused by change of body position. Have you ever felt giddy when you are sitting stationary for sometime then suddenly gotten up and stretch? Well, if you have had that experience, then the same logic and science applies. The sudden fall of blood pressure happens when you are in a squatting position and then suddenly bursting upwards to a standing position with the blood pooled in your lower body and not sending the blood fast enough to your upper body and your brain. These are some of the reasons why many of us will experience giddiness, nausea and even puke when we do exercises like squats and dead lifts with heavy weights and when working on big muscle groups. Now that we know the reasons, we can avoid these unpleasant symptoms by taking necessary precautions during our gym workout on heavy weight days.

Find Quality Boots that Fit Like a Glove

Finding just the right fit for your boots is important if you want comfort and healthy feet. Whether buying motorcycle boots, logger boots, lacer boots, cowboy boots, or steel toe boots, you'll want the best fit possible so you can enjoy your activities without aches and blisters. Here are some "fitting" tips to remember when shopping for boots. Choose Quality over Price Invest only in boots of high quality. Price should only be a factor once you've carefully examined the quality of the boots. To put them to the test, check for solid bottoms. Try pressing your thumb into the bottom of the sole. If the sole can be pressed in with your thumb, the boots are probably too soft to give the protection you need. Also, try twisting the soles of the boots. If you can twist them, they're probably too soft. Solid bottoms are very important with steel toe boots, logger boots, lacer boots, or any other boots used for strenuous work or activities. Another indicator of quality is the strength and protection provided by the sides of the boots. Good boots will provide extra padding to protect your feet from rocks, stones, metal objects, and so forth. Ankle support can be tested by grabbing the top of the boot and trying to bend it over sideways. If it can be bent easily, then ankle support is probably not a main feature. If working outdoors or doing outdoor activities such hiking or riding motorcycles, be sure the boots are waterproof. Motorcycle boots and cowboy boots will be exposed to all sorts of weather while riding, from the heat of the sun to possibly heavy rain downpours! Waterproof boots will last longer and protect your feet from moisture. Pricing your boots should only come after quality has been considered. You can shop online to find great bargains once you know which type or brand name of boots you want. Fitting Your Boots Even if shopping online for boots, you should have them fitted in person by a professional if possible. Remember, all boots are not created equal; all feet are not created equal! Your boots should fit like a glove and be as comfortable as your running shoes. Even heavy boots should fit comfortably. Before leaving the house, grab a pair of socks you would normally wear with boots. Try on the boots and wear them while walking around the store for at least 15 minutes. Sizing Your Boots Be sure the boots do not slip on the heel. Also, check for plenty of room at the toes. Many brand name boots offer a "wide-toe" size if needed. Check the sizing with your index finger. To do this, unlace the boots and move your foot forward as far as possible. Try slipping your index finger inside the boot behind the ankle. If your finger fits there comfortably, then you've got the right size. They're not too tight or too loose. To check for tightness, try them on without socks once. Be sure your toes have plenty of "wiggling" space. Also, feel for tight spots around the sides of your feet. Then, test the boots again with socks. Test Your Stride While walking around the store, notice how the boots feel when walking forward, backward and side-ways. If planning to wear the boots while hiking or walking on inclined areas, ask the store clerk if there's an inclined area in the store or a slanted board to test your boots. Shopping for Boots Online Once you find the perfect fit and quality boots, you can go online to find great prices on the type of boots you need. There are boot outlets online that offer many brand names and styles to fit your needs. Also, many online malls offer other items for sale, from RC toys to diecast model cars, so you can do other shopping during your visit. Whether you need logging boots, lacer boots, cowboy boots, steel toe boots, or motorcycle boots, you'll want the very best. Your feet are worth it!

Pictures: One Of Life's Best Gifts

The older I get, the more I am thankful for the great gift of photography and the ability we have to take pictures of life's most special and ordinary events. Perhaps I am aware of the value of pictures because my father was a photographer and so I was raised around cameras and pictures all the time. I'm not sure, I just know that I am convinced that everyone would do well to make pictures a more prominent thing in their life. I talk to many people who have trouble remembering the details of their childhood or of some of the most significant events of their lives. This saddens me greatly because I do not think that it has to be this way. I think that regardless of whether or not you have a lot of pictures from your past, anyone can start now to take pictures and make memories of their life from this point forward. Taking memorable pictures doesn't mean that you have to be a professional photographer or that you need to have years of experience. All you need to have is an eye for capturing the memories that happen everyday in your life. A great first step is to head out and get a couple of disposable cameras. If you're surprised that I am encouraging you to get dispoable cameras rather than a "real" camera, then read on. I suggest this because disposable cameras are an easy and cheap way to begin practicing taking pictures. Don't jump into purchasing an expensive camera until you are comfortable taking the most basic pictures. If you know anyone that is a bit more experienced with taking good pictures, hook up with them and see what you can learn. Other than just plain practicing taking your own pictures, the next best thing you can do is to join with other photographers and learn what you can. You might be surprised how quickly you learn to take great pictures that will become great memories for you and your family. Grab an album to begin collecting the pictures you take. As you gather pictures I think that you'll begin to really value them in a whole new way. I think you'll value pictures as you realize that life is short and goes quickly and that you will be greatly aided in remembering by taking pictures. So grab a camera and start taking pictures. The rest of your life could easily be changed.