Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Unlock a Blackberry

It's Worth it to Unlock Your Blackberry

Anyone who needs to unlock blackberry devices may feel a little frustrated trying to get the right information to do so. It may seem like this information is kept away from consumers and locked down like Fort Knox. Your confusion and frustration is warranted and understandable. However, it is worth it to go through the appropriate channels to gain this information. Consumers who unlock their Blackberry phones
are able to utilize any network around the world. This saves on astronomical international charges while traveling abroad. There are no roaming charges while traveling in other countries when a Blackberry has been unlocked. Also, the resale value of one's phone is increased by fifty percent.

How Do I Unlock Blackberry Devices and what is the Cost?

There are many websites that offer to unlock blackberry devices for consumers. The typical fee is close to $65.00. There are a precious few sites that offer their service for about $25.00, but this is quite rare. Most will perform the service remotely. All you have to do is have a USB cable available to plug into the device. Then, they can take care of the process for you with no hassle to you. In addition, some will give you the code for the unlock and you can do it yourself. Many of the sites that offer the service do so risk-free. Cost free customer support is available from most of the websites.

Other Options to Receive Unlock Codes

Sometimes EBay sellers will put up unlock codes for options. This may save you some cash in the long run. Every Blackberry that is sold has its own unlock code that is specific for the phone. The codes sometimes take between four and ten days to receive. In order to be able to successfully unlock blackberry devices one must have the IMEI number. The IMEI number can be obtained by typing in *#06# from the keyboard. A string of fifteen numbers will appear, which is the IMEI number. The IMEI number can also be obtained from the Status menu.

You're in Luck

There are a few Blackberrys where the Unlock codes are readily available for consumers on the Internet.
Here's a few that will hopefully let you unlock blackberry devices you currenly own:

Blackberry 8800 / 8300 Curve Unlock Code Directions
How to Enter Unlock Codes for the BlackBerry 8800/8300 Curve Blackberry:

1. Access the Settings Menu => and then Options

2. Select Advanced Options => and then Sim Card

3. Type MEPD using your Blackberry Keyboard (NOTE: You won't be able to see any text appear on the screen while typing MEPD)

4. Type MEP then [ALT BUTTON] then number 2 on your Blackberry keyboard (NOTE: No text will appear on the screen while typing MEPD)

5. A prompt "Enter Network MEP Code" will then appear on the screen. Press in the unlock code and press into the track wheel / jog dial to confirm

6. The Blackberry is now unlocked.

Blackberry 8100 Unlock Code Directions:

1. Place the SIM into the Blackberry 8100.

2. Power phone on and turn off the radio (Turn Wireless option to off) This is crucial.

3. Next, pick "Options" and SELECT ADVANCED OPTIONS.

4. Arrow down and select "SIM Card."

5. Type "MEPPD" (what you type will not appear on the screen).

6. Type "MEPP, next [ALT BUTTON],and then 2" (what you type will not appear on the screen).

7. Punch in the Unlock Code

8. Press enter

9. Reboot your Blackberry. Your Blackberry is now unlocked.

Blackberry 8700 Unlock Code Directions:

1. Access Settings.

2. Select Options.

3. Then access Advanced Option.

4. Then, select SIM card.

5. Type MEPD (this will not be case sensitive, and no text will appear on the screen).

6. When the device says Network Active it's ready.

7. Hold down the ALT Key while typing in MEPE into the device (this is not case sensitive, and no text will appear on the screen).

8. The screen will say "Enter Network MEP Code, type in the unlock code, and press in the jog dial to confirm.

9. Your Blackberry is now unlocked.

BlackBerry 6xxx 7xxx: ie 6230, 7100, 7290 etc. Unlock Code Instructions

1. Access the Options menu on the Blackberry.

2. Click on the SIM CARD menu. To be able to see this you have to type this on the keypad on phone : (The text won't appear on the screen until you press in the unlock code).

3. Type 'MEPD' for all models, except 7100 and instead use 'MEPPD'.

4. Normally, you will see "active" NET lock appear on the screen. To disengage this lock, type 'MEP2' respectively ('MEPP2' if phone is 7100).

5. The Blackberry will request a code. NOTE: You must use the "alt" or "shift" key to enable numbers so example would be: m-e-p-"alt key"-2 A place to enter an unlock code will appear (if not, you didn't type in mep2 or mepp2 properly.)

6. Enter the "NET Unlock Code" that you have.

7. At this point you have done unlock blackberry successfully.

Disturbed memory Amnesia

Amnesia, is a condition where mrmory is disturbed. Amnesia affects both organic and functional causes. An example of an organic cause of amnesia is damage to the brain, through trauma or disease. Where as an example of a functional cause involve physcholigical elements such as the defense mechanisms. There is several different types of amnesia which I have broken down below:

Lacunar amnesia
Lacunar amnesia relates directly the loss of memory on one specific event.

Global amnesia
Global amnesia is when you lose your entire memory. It is thought that this is a defense mechanism that are body instates after a very traumatic event. As a result of this complete loss, it is common that post-traumatic stress disorder can develop, and involve the spontaneous and realistic flashes of these traumatic memoreis.

Traumatic amnesia
Traumatic amnesia occurs most often due to a head injury, such as falling or being hit on the head. General with traumatic amnesia the length of the amnesia is directly related to the extent of the injury itself. In often cases a mild trauma is suffered, during events such as a car accident, where the occupant of the car might have an interuption in their memory just before the accident because of a brief loss in the memory transfer mechanism.

Dissociative amnesia
Dissociative amnesia refers to the long-term repressed memory that can result in emotional or pschological trauma.

Childhood amnesia
Childhood amnesia, which in several instances is called Infantile amnesia, is probably the most common type of amnesia - the failure to remember events from our childhoods. There is many popular theories as to why we have this loss of memory from our child; most recently it has been thought to be as a result of language development or under-developed parts of the brain.

Protrused Hernia

When an organ or tissue abnormally protrudes out of the body cavity, it's called a hernia. The most common hernias, by far, develop in the adbdomen. In this case a weakeness in the abdonimal wall turns into a centralized hole, through which an organ or tissue will protrude.

Hernia's are often times compared to the failure of the tire, where a split in the sidewall allows the inner tube to protrude through to the outside. In that example the inner tube of the tire is like the organ that breaks outwards through the opening in the sidewall. It is this pressure outwards, and the limit of restraint inwards that allows the bulge to develop.

Besides the hernia's that can develop in the adbomen there is several others:
Internal hernia - hernia into or involving an intraabdominal structure
Spigelian hernia - hernia through the linea semilunaris
Sliding hernia - the hernia sac is partially formed by the wall of a viscus
Littre's hernia - hernia involving a Meckel's erticulum
obturator hernia - hernia through obturator canal
lumbar herniaPetit's hernia - hernia through Petit's triangle
Grynfeltt's hernia - hernia through Grynfeltt-Lesshaft triangle

Although hernia's are often as a result of a hereditary trait there is several different things that you can do to prevent them from occuring. It's actually extremely easy to prevent hernia's and the two most common area's where people lose are in: Maintaining a healthy weight, and regularly excercising. Both of these things help to ensure that the body is not dealing with any extra strain that it cannot handle, and will help you in all area's to have a healthier and fuller life.

Top 6 Things Not to Do With Angry Customers

1. Don't make threats. Have you ever said this, "If you don't calm down, I'm not going to help you." Or, "If you continue to yell at me, I'm going to have no choice but to terminate this phone call." If you've ever made these, or similar, statements, I'd bet that your sole intent was to regain control of the conversation. But the problem is, your customer perceives this type of language as threatening and it does not make them back down and it does not create calm. Try a phrase like this instead: "I really want to help you, but your tone/language is making it really hard for me to do that." And then pause for 2-3 seconds to let your words resonate with the customer.

2. Don't argue. Trust me on this one - you can never win an argument with a customer. Certainly, you can prove your point and even have the last word, In a discussion on the futility of arguing with people, Dale Carnegie once said "you may be right, but as far as changing your customer's mind is concerned, you will probably be just as futile as if you were wrong." Your goal in complaint situations is to retain the customer, not to be right. If you win the argument, you may very well have lost the customer. Carnegie encourages us to carefully consider some hard questions before going to battle with customers: "Is my reaction one that will relieve the problem, or will it just relieve frustration? Will my reaction drive my customer further away? What price will I pay if I win (the argument)?" Carnegie advises, "The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it." By the way, customers will spread negative word-of-mouth advertising to 50 people if they get into argument with you!

3. Don't hang up on the customer. I realize I sound conservative on this one, but I stand firm. If you hang up on a customer who is already livid, do you think a "disconnect" helps the situation or hurts the situation? The customer still has the problem and most customers won't give up their fight because you chose to hit the flash button. Most will call back and guess what? They will be angrier than ever AND it will cost far more in time and money to resolve the issue. If you just can't handle the customer, offer to transfer to a supervisor or co-worker. <

4. Don't make the customer feel helpless. I cringe every time I hear an employee say, "This is all I can do." When customers feel helpless, some will resort to whatever they feel it takes to get their needs met. This behavior may include yelling, demanding to speak to a supervisor, or starting a blog about your company. This simple phrase changes the entire tone of a tough situation: "Mr. Bryant, what I can do is?"

5. Don't raise your voice. When I want my five-year-old daughter to use her "inside voice", I don't yell, "Lauren, USE YOUR INSIDE VOICE!" I speak in my "inside voice" with the expectation that she will mirror the calm tone of my voice - and she does without any further prompting from me. We must use the same technique with demanding customers. Escalating your voice when dealing with an upset customer will not create calm. It will only incite your customer. Lowering your voice presents you as confident, in control, and credible. In many cases your angry customer will begin to calm down because he realizes his intimidation tactic (yelling) isn't working. Try making one of these statements in a low volume when dealing with an angry customer. "What can I do to help?" or "What can I do to fix this situation?"

6. Don't tell a customer she is wrong. You will be smart to never tell a customer s/he is wrong or mistaken. Telling a person they are wrong arouses opposition and will make the customer want to battle with you. (Ever tell your spouse they are wrong?) It's difficult, under even the most benign conditions to change people's minds. So why make it harder by starting out on the wrong foot? If you know your customer is wrong, it's better to start off saying, "I thought the contract read otherwise, but let's take a look."

The next time you find yourself the target of verbal abuse from an angry customer, keep in mind these six "don'ts" and you'll be well on your way to getting the angry customer to back down and regaining control of the conversation.

Grill Your Steak The Right Way

No matter what you preference in a steak, maintaining good moisture should always be your goal. When searching for a good cut of beef, look for a cut with good consistent marbling. Fat equals flavor so very low fat content in meat will tend to dry it out and have much less flavor. You should not have to coat a great piece of meat with sauce just to get flavor, in fact you should avoid using a sauce at all. You want to see visible grains of fat running through the meat but not large pieces of fat. If you do see larger pieces simply trim them off. As you cook your steak the fat will melt and naturally tenderize the meat.

After removing the meat from refrigeration seasoning the meat with generous amounts of salt and pepper.
Many other herb and spice combinations can be added to your taste just be sure you have plenty of salt and pepper in addition to any other seasonings. Allow the meat to come to room temperature before grilling.

When grilling your steak first make sure that you have your grill nice and hot. This will give the outside a nice crust and will also help seal in its natural juices. If you fire flares up at any point, move the meat off the flame. While you want a hot grill, you do not want direct flame on the meat for any extended time period. The worst mistake that most grillers make is to continually flip the meat time and time again. Continually flipping the meat does nothing but cause the meat to dry out. Flipping the steak over and over does not make you a grill master, doing it right, does. In the end you will flip your steak 3 times which will mean you have cooked both sides twice for 3 minutes on each side. For cross-hatch marks on your meat simply turn it 45 degrees when flipping. Total cooking time should be roughly 12 minutes. This will achieve a medium rare steak depending on how hot your grill is. Because every grill it different you will need to experiment to get the desired results.

There is no exact way to tell when the steak is done. Without cutting the meat open and risking the release of its juices, the best way is to either press the meat to judge its tenderness or use a meat thermometer. If you choose not to press the meat, you can use you hand as a guide. For instance if you take you index finger and touch the fleshy part of your palm right under your thumb, that is what rare should feel like. Conversely if you touch you pinky to that same part of your palm that is the consistency of well done. So from finger to the next starting with your index finger and ending with the pinky it would be: rare, medium-rare, medium and well done.

Herb rub:

1 tablespoon dried thyme

1 tablespoon dried oregano

1 tablespoon kosher salt

2 teaspoons freshly cracked black pepper

2 teaspoons mustard powder

2 teaspoons paprika

1 teaspoon onion

Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a bowl. Brush the steak lightly with olive oil and rub in herb rub.

Incline Treadmill Review

Most people buying a treadmill want one with an incline (also called treadmill elevation).

It used to be that incline on a treadmill was a bonus feature. However today, most motorized treadmills come with an incline option. The difference seems to be in the amount of elevation available.

If you're looking for an economy treadmill (under $1000) you'll probably find most treadmills only come with a 10-12% incline (however that can be enough for most people - especially for those new to treadmill exercise).

When you get into the mid-priced treadmills ($1500+) you'll start to see elevations of 12-15%. And in most premium treadmills you'll find inclines of 15%.

If you're in top shape and really want a challenge, then you'll probably want a 15% incline. However if you just want a treadmill for gentle walking, a 10% elevation might suit you perfectly.

Of course, the mother of incline treadmills is the incline trainer. This is a treadmill that also gives you much more elevation than normal treadmills - up to 30%.

You've probably heard about the Bowflex Treadclimber. The Bowflex Treadclimber is a hybrid stair climber and treadmill. TreadClimbers have two separate, smaller treadmill belts (one for each foot) that you walk on. These individual belts also move up and down, meeting every step you take.

Nordic Track also has an incline trainer available - called the Nordic Track X5. This machine has only one treadbelt (like a treadmill) and offers elevations of up to 30%

An incline trainer treadmill is way more than most people need. But if you want to burn as much as 500 calories in 20 minutes, you can do it with with one of these units.

While incline trainers are excellent for burning calories, the downside is you're going to pay for them. Prices start at around $1600 for basic models. Because of this, these trainers are used mostly in commercial settings like gyms or office fitness facilities.

So why the big deal about treadmill inclines?

Walking on an elevation can help super-blast your calorie burn. You can burn up to twice or even 3 times the calories by walking on an incline vs. walking on a level surface.

Plus if you're looking to build intervals into your workout, walking on an incline for 30 seconds to 2 minutes can be a great way to interval train and boost your post workout calorie burn.

So in general an elevation on a treadmill is a great tool to have. It can help you get in shape and burn calories much faster than simply walking on a level surface.

Regardless of which incline percentage you choose, just remember to wear high quality running shoes and enjoy your workout!

Top 3 Tips For Buying An LCD TV

I want a larger screen and so do you. There is absolutely no reason for this wanting except for the feeling of power that a large screen gives you. I have no idea why it is, but we all seem to want a larger screen for our TVs these days. The question is, how to get a good deal on an LCD TV without paying a fortune. Let's give you our top 3 tips on buying an LCD TV.

1)Don't buy a used one if you don't have to. The funny thing about these TVs is that their prices drop significantly every month and that if you just wait a little longer, the price you'll pay for a new TV is probably not going to be too far off from the price that you are going to pay for a used one. A little patience might actually save you some dollars here.

2)Compare features, not just prices. One of our favorite places to go to compare prices on LCD Tvs is Consumer Reports was rating different items way before the internet even become popular. Remember buying your first real car? I do. And I went straight to Consumer Reports to find out that the Honda Accord was the car to buy (and still is according to CR). Shopping for a high end LCD Tv shouldn't be any different than shopping for a new car. All the resources are at your disposal, so give it a try. I'm sure you can find some gems of information at CR regarding your LCD Tv purchase.

3)HD is coming, don't miss out. High definition television has allegedly been "right around the corner" for years. Well, that time may finally have arrived. Some LCD Tvs come HD ready and some do not. Make sure your new LCD TV supports HD so that when it is finally popularized, you can watch the programs utilizing this latest technology.

And by the way, why would someone want to buy an LCD TV over a "Plasma". And what is a plasma? Are they different than LCDs? Basically yes. The big difference is that they use different technologies to deliver a picture. Both have pros and cons. However, both deliver a large screen experience to the user.

Overcoming Depression with a Child's Heart

"With a child's heart
Go face the worries of the day
With a child's heart
Turn each problem into play
No need to worry no need to fear
Just being alive makes it all so very clear"

Although this is no way is a pro-Jackson article, this is actually an excerpt from a personal Jackson 5 favorite entitled 'With a Child's Heart'

Sung by a pre-adolescent Michael Jackson, the words of this song made such an impact on me most recently when I played the CD a few days back.

The lyrics of the song reminded me of what the renowned psychologist: Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, once stated in his book- that children are indeed the group of humans who ironically are most gifted in the art of faith and positive thinking.

These are two essentials for overcoming depression, and it is no co-incidence that they are abundant in a child's heart.

Children are more expert in happiness and faith than adults and indeed the adult who can carry the spirit of a child into middle and old age is truly a genius. Why?
Well this is quite simply because such an adult will preserve the happy and carefree spirit that only the young seem to be endowed with and this of course will be vital and necessary for dealing with depression and problems and keeping their effects on us minimized.

The subtlety and wisdom of Jesus Christ is truly remarkable.
When it comes to dealing with depression (or dealing with life, period-the good and the bad of it), He suggests that one should have a childlike heart and mind.

In other words, have you ever noticed how a kid believes mom's kiss actually made the pain of a bicycle fall go away, well that same childlike faith is actually what God requires of us in believing that what He says He'll do for us will come to pass.

Now, in regards to overcoming depression, it is clear to see that approaching our problems with a childlike yet powerful faith that things will be better would make a huge difference in our situations and circumstances.

This doesn't mean that no work will be required of us on our part, remember
"faith without works is dead," (James 2:26). However, it is the believing that what we are doing to make things better in addition to trusting what God says about our situations and challenges that would make the difference.

Just like a child will ask a parent for help on how to do something and totally rely on the parent's instruction to get it done, it is very much the same way that we have to accept and follow God's advice and help in order to deal with our problems and challenges in life.

A young Jackson ends the song above soulfully stating that
"With a child's heart, nothing is gonna get me down!"
Indeed with the childlike faith in God and His promises and a childlike obedience to do as instructed by a wiser Being, nothing: not depression, not life's problems can get us down.

How To Make Soap Easily At Home

Firstly,Let's face it, making natural soap is no easy task.Learning how to make soap is probably one of the most difficult lessons any person can try to learn. There are some key things told by this book that you need to know that no one is telling you at this time.

Of course, some people will go on and tell you can do just fine without an advanced understanding of how to make soap. Thats incorrect. Just take a look at how many people who fail miserably after purchasing book after book. The biggest problem is that most books on the subject of soap making are filled with content created by ghostwriters (not someone who is currently making the book).They are filled with highly complex information which basically require you to be a brain surgeon to figure out!If you want to learn how to make soap the easy way, then following the advice given by this ebook - which does not require you to be a mastermind of any sort to figure out, should make a lot of sense to you. Some of the things you will learn include Advanced Soap Making Techniques, PH lessons and its role in skincare, List of 30 soap making oils and benefits of each,general troubleshooting, Step-by-Step Instructions on Cold-Process, Hand-Milled and M&P Soap,A Shopping Guide for Easy-to-Find Additives to Jump Start your First Batch and the list simply goes on.this really is the ultimate tutorial for making soap at home, but until now doing it yourself probably meant checking out 10 or so books from your local library and spending hours without an understanding of what to do!So at the end of the day even if you are experienced in soap making,you will benefit greatly from the secrets given by this easy to follow and comprehensive book.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Successful Entrepreneurs

Studies have shown that successful entrepreneurs possess these characteristics:

1. Self-confidence

This is that magical power of having confidence in oneself and in one's powers and abilities.

2. Achievement Oriented

Results are gained by focused and sustained effort. They concentrate on achieving a specific goal, not just accomplishing a string of unrelated tasks.

3. Risk Taker

They realize that there is a chance of loss inherent in achieving their goals, yet they have the confidence necessary to take calculated risks to achieve their goals.

Entrepreneurs are people who will make decisions, take action, and think that they can control their own destinies. They are often motivated by a spirit of independence which leads them to believe that their success depends on raw effort and hard work, not luck.

So which of these three main characteristics is the most important? Believe it or not, it has to be self-confidence. Without self-confidence, nothing else is possible. If you don't believe in your abilities, then the first challenge that arises may knock you off the path to achieving your goals. Here are a few things to keep in mind for maintaining a higher level of self-confidence.

Positive Thinking

Well, it all starts with a positive attitude, doesn't it? Believing that something good will happen is the first step. Negative thinking simply is not allowed. You must truly believe that there are no circumstances strong enough to deter you from reaching your goals. Remember too, that positive thinking can be contagious. When positive thinking spreads, it can open doors to new ideas, customers, friends, etc.

Persistent Action

Now all of the positive thinking and believing in the world is useless if it is not applied towards a goal. You have to take action, no excuses are allowed. This action must also be persistent. Trying once and then giving up is not going to be enough. Keep at it one step at a time. If you can't get by a certain step, then find a creative way to try again or just go around it.

At the beginning of this article we identified a few traits that are common among successful entrepreneurs. You should be able to look ahead and see yourself where you want to be. Now just maintain a strong belief in yourself and your skills, stick with it, and don't give up. If you can do that, you're already half way there!

Types of Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a disease taking on many forms which feature inflammation of the liver. The cause is depended on the prognosis and on the symptoms shown. Certain forms of hepatitis are unable to reveal many signs or symptoms and are only noticeable when the longstanding inflammation has led to the replacement of liver cells by connective tissue. General symptoms of hepatitis are noticed by fever, enlarged liver, abdominal pain, and jaundice (icterus).

Viral infections are the cause of most acute Hepatitis. Hepatitis comes in 7 not so delicious flavours: Hepatitis A, B, C, D - Agent (which requires the presence of the hepatitis B virus to form), Hepatitis E, F, and G. None of these are very yummy, and should be avoided at all costs.

The most common of the 7 is Hepatitis A. It is transmitted through the orofecal route, or in other words, contaminated food. This one is the easiest to contract, but it does not reach a chronic stage, so the body is able to build up an immunity against it by creating antibodies. An excellent preventative measure is to get a Hepatitis A vaccination. This will prevent infection of the virus.

Hepatitis has a close brother - Hepatitis B. This evil twin is also very easy to contract. you can get it through blood, tattoos, sexually, and you can even inherit it from your mother when you are born. Hep. B can be acute, however, some peoples' bodies are unable to produce antibodies against it, thus turning an acute virus into a chronic one.

The easiest way to avoid contracting Hepatitis is simple cleanliness and vaccinations. click the link to my website at the bottom for more information on all forms of Hepatitis.

Meditation Chairs

Meditation chairs can enhance the experience of exploration by allowing you to sit in a comfortable and relaxed position during your relaxation session. If you have back problems or limited flexibility, the chair offers a comfortable alternative to sitting on the floor.

For those just beginning the practice of meditation, a sitting device can be an effective way of enhancing focus and concentration. There are different types of chairs available including meditation benches, ergonomically designed tilt chairs and inflatable cushions.

A meditation bench allows you to sit in alignment without putting undue pressure on your back. A tilt chair also supports your back while allowing you to remain in the optimum upright position. Many companies providing meditation supplies also manufacture portable meditation chairs, inflatable cushions and folding benches, so that you can meditate in any setting or environment. A portable chair is an excellent investment if you are continuously on the go.

Meditation chairs have several advantages over sitting on the floor or a regular chair. Meditation requires harmony of body and mind, in the sense that physical discomfort should not interfere with the meditation experience. To expand our consciousness and achieve clarity of mind, it is important to be as comfortable as possible during the meditation session. Sitting in any one position for a length of time is bound to cause cramping and distress. Specially designed chairs can provide the proper support and alignment necessary to allow you to get the most out of your meditation experience. It is important to note that regular chairs do not mold to the body in the same way as an ergonomically designed meditation device. <

The best chairs have a slight forward angle, which prevents you from slumping during meditation. However, take care that the chair is not too steeply angled, as this will cause overarching. The ideal tilt should be no more than a few inches. The best option is to purchase a meditation chair that you can adjust according to your height, weight and comfort level. Having an experienced person on hand to guide you through the meditation process and adjust your posture is also a good idea.

A sitting device may be particularly useful if you are practicing Zen meditation, which requires several sitting postures. Zen meditation chairs can be made out of numerous materials and come in several different styles. You can choose the style that best suits you as long as the device enables your diaphragm to contract and expand freely.

Meditation is all about discovery and inner peace. Contrary to popular belief, self denial and physical discomfort detracts rather than enhances the experience. It is difficult to expand our minds and awareness when our legs are cramping beneath us. A meditation chair is a device which allows us to focus on what's really important during our meditation session. With the proper tools and surroundings, the meditation experience is sure to be a positive one.

The Hidden Power of Networking

We all make use of traditional forms of getting new business in – advertising, direct mail, brochures etc but networking is one form of marketing which, has been under-utilised. Until now that is. Small business owners are finally beginning to under stand the power of networking and what it can do for their sales figures.

But what is networking?

In its most basic form, it's word-of-mouth advertising but originated by you, not your customers. It involves taking every opportunity to raise awareness of your product or service amongst the people you meet. At a more sophisticated level, networking can be achieved by taking advantage of the formal networking groups or events that have been arranged purely with the idea of putting potential partners together.

But how can you, as a small business owner, become a more effective networker and take full advantage of the opportunities presented? We are going to give you some key tips and ideas on how to be a better networker.

What are the key advantages of networking?

Networking has some very good advantages over the traditional type of marketing:

• It's free! Talking to someone costs nothing except your time

• It's targeted marketing in that it's likely the person you are talking to has a direct interest in your product or service. Consider newspaper advertising, which will mostly be read by people who have no interest in what you have to offer

• It's face-to-face marketing unlike direct mail, adverts and telephone calls. You have the immediate opportunity to establish rapport and get an understanding of the person's problems

• You have the chance to mix with business owners in other industries, which may open the door to new opportunities you had not previously considered

• It's not only a way of creating business but also a great way to solve problems and seek advice. Why sweat over a solution when someone has probably already experienced and solved the same problem? Ask and find out who can help you

Where to find a network

Finding a place to network, where like minded business owners are present, is not that difficult. Whilst you should be networking all the time – taking the opportunity to promote yourself where ever you can – it's more effective if you can meet people who are there to do the same thing; you can get onto the same wavelength that much quicker.

Here are some possible networking opportunities to think about:

• Your local Chamber of Commerce, BNI group or business club - as well as hosting their normal meetings (which are great networking opportunities anyway) they may hold regular networking sessions which are dedicated to putting business people together

• Government advice agencies – most countries have government bodies which have the remit of helping local small businesses, some of them may already hold network meetings where they bring together a batch of 'new recruits'. Check out you country's small business advice agency web sites to see what support they can offer

• Trade Associations – your industry may have an association which holds regular meetings. Although you are interacting with businesses in the same line you will still be able to find solutions to problems and pick up new ideas. Who knows, if you establish good rapport with another business, they may be happy to refer surplus work to you or tap into a unique specialisation you may have?<

• Seminars – keep a look out for seminars being run for small business owners. As well as being informative, they are a great networking opportunity, especially over coffee and lunch when you have the chance to start a conversation going along the lines of, "How do you think you're going to apply that point we learnt this morning in your line of business?"

In just this one question you will have found out what business they are in and one of the problems they are currently facing. If you're lucky, you may be able to offer help as well – one extra sale!

• Anywhere and everywhere – remember to network all the time! Never miss an opportunity to tell people what you do. You may only get a successful hit in one out of a hundred contacts, but one sale may be enough to make it all worthwhile!

Where and when are meetings likely to be held?

Formal networking events can be held over breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast sessions are popular because it allows business owners to start the day on a positive note, leaving the remainder of the day free for 'business as usual'. But how good are you at holding a sensible conversation at 7 o'clock in the morning? If you don't look or sound your best in the early morning, then you had better find an alternative!

The best networking events are where you are free to 'work the room' and not be tied to a table with food being served.

What to prepare

As with any marketing promotion, networking should be thoroughly prepared for. Badly presented sales pitches lead to lost sales; the same goes for networking. So what should you do before attending a networking session?

Step 1: Know your products and services inside out. If you are only just starting out, make sure you are fully briefed on all the inn's and out's of your product.

Step 2: Write and rehearse an opening statement to the question "What do you do?" This may sound an easy question but try thinking an answer on the spot and at the same time making it some good! Not so easy. Write a clear and concise statement, which encapsulates everything about your business. Remember, this is your chance to impress! Having decided on your opening line, rehearse, rehearse and rehearse. It has to be word perfect and confident sounding.

Step 3: Make sure you have enough business cards. You don't want to scribble your number on the back of a napkin! Not very professional.

Step 4: Double check the venue and time. You don't want to turn up late and miss any opportunities or appear to be lacking in time management skills.

Step 5: Dress to impress. Make sure you are neat and tidy – everything a successful small business owner should be.

Step 6: Leave your house/office in plenty of time to make sure you don't arrive totally stressed out

You're off!

You have arrived at the venue and if this is your first time, what are you likely to do? Find the nearest corner and pray that someone doesn't approach you! Networking, especially the first time, can be nerve-wracking. It does take a degree of confidence but over time this gets better.


The basis of a good soup is usually a good stock. Once you know how to make a good stock, you can use it for an almost endless variety of soups. This is a recipe I use for chicken stock that's easy to make, and tastes delicious. I usually make extra, and freeze what I don't use.
1 Whole Chicken, about 3 pounds
8 cups water
2 carrots, cut into 2 inch pieces
2 stalks of celery, cut into 2 inch pieces
1 medium onion, cut into large chunks
2 cloves of garlic, crushed
2-3 sprigs of parsley
1-2 sprigs of sage
2 sprigs of rosemary
2 sprigs of thyme (please, no Simon and Garfunkel jokes)
2 tsp. salt

Cut the chicken up into pieces.
Put the chicken, and the rest of the ingredients into a large kettle, and bring to a boil.

Reduce the heat to medium low, and simmer for 3 hours.

Remove the chicken, and place in a bowl to cool.

Pour the stock through a colander lined with cheesecloth, and chill.
When the chicken has cooled enough to handle, remove the skin and the bones, and freeze or refrigerate the chicken for another use.
Skim the fat off of the stock, and refrigerate, freeze, or use immediately.
Yield: About 6 cups of stock, about 4 cups of chicken.

Don't feel constrained by the ingredients and amounts listed in this recipe. You can use other herbs for a different flavor. You could add ginger peels and lemongrass for an Asian flavor. Just let your imagination run wild.

You don't need to use a whole chicken either. You can buy the bone-in chicken breasts, and remove the bones before cooking. Then just put the bones in a plastic bag, and put them into the freezer. Then when you're ready to make the stock, just take the bones out and use them in the stock.

Once you've learned to make this chicken stock, you can use it as a basis for many different soups... chicken noodle soup, cream of chicken soup, peanut butter soup... again, just let your imagination run wild with it, and enjoy!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


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