Friday, July 12, 2013

How to Take Care of Dry Hair

Dry Hair has indeed become a problem in itself, especially for the women but also men throughout the world. If you want to know more about these tips for caring for dry hair can read the info below for more complete.

Dry hair is one indication that the hair had an unhealthy alias problem, so need to care that his condition back to normal and you sehat.Taukah that cause dry hair, there are several factors: often exposed to the sun, dry your hair with a hair dryer, too frequent or infrequent shampooing, hair chemicals in the drug, and because of certain diseases.

How to Take Care of Dry Hair

To find out your hair healthy or can not be tested in a simple way is put your hair in a glass of water. If your hair sinks, meaning relatively healthy hair. But, if the strands of hair floats, it means your hair dry and unhealthy.
How to Take Care of Dry Hair with Ease

1. Rinse your hair with cold water
Are you someone who frequently rinse hair with warm water? If that is so, try starting from now fox memilas way your hair, rinse your hair with cold water. Loh why should use cold water? This is based on cold water can keep your hair moisture, so it is recommended to rinse with cold water. and inversely if you use warm water to rinse her hair.

2. Remove the hair rope while sleeping
Lepaslah tie your hair when you go to sleep, and let your hair so disheveled hair back 'breathe' after being exposed to the scorching matahri or closed all day. Hair ties are too tight or strong can cause hair helain you are interested in and over time will experience hair loss.

3. Stop and do not use the equipment in the hair
Rest your hair from styling tools. Because if you are still using styling tools can make your hair dry naturally heat and, therefore, avoid the first equipment used meta uunruk hair. The tool tool that you should avoid are air conditioning, catokan, blow dryer, and other tools that can instrument your hair mebuat unhealthy.

4. Do not wash your hair every day.
Actually mengkramas hair with shampoo is one way to make your hair clean, but you taukah that shampoo use shampoo every day can actually make your hair is damaged and dry. This disari by the natural oils found on the scalp, this oil to moisturize hair, if your hair every day with shampoo mengkramas the natural oils will be lost and can only make your hair so dry and damaged. To avoid that you try karmas 2 days only, so that the natural hair oils can be reproduced very well.

5. Avoid mensisir hair when wet.
When hair is wet at all times do not you comb it, because wet hair is usually a bit fragile and easily fall out. Not only the loss of water content that can moisturize the hair will also be lost, so try not to comb your hair when wet.

6. Do not often paint the hair.
If you like to paint your hair with different colors, from now reduce the habit because it can damage your hair and makes the hair easy to dry. However, if it is required to work with dressing change color wambut like the artist, you can mensiasatinya by using a hair treatment conditioner every day.

That he was a few things that should be considered in treating dry hair easily so will look healthy and shiny again

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