Monday, July 22, 2013


One time there was a young man who so greatly admire the female figure that had been craved. The young man continued to think about how to approach a woman who's after that, he was confused where to start from.
"Ahaaa ... better I used to buy tapes in her shop alone, it can often meet" Who knows how many pieces of tape that has been bought.

Although the tapes were purchased at random and are not interested in, the young man still buying.
"This master tape", with friendly smiling faces that woman gives cassettes wrapped in black plastic bags,
with very stammered the young man replied, "ye ... ye ... yes ... ma ... thanks yaa".

The young man had left the record store and he bought every cassette strangely, he never opened the contents of the tape, he immediately put it in a special box which is stored neatly in the closet.
The young man continued the same routine and at the end when the young man returned to the record store, he merasaterkejut tapes because guards had changed;
"Eits ... not changed because of the plastic surgery loh" he he he ... but the guards changed person.

The young man had the courage to ask for the presence of a woman who's after.
"Excuse me, miss ... if the other ladies where ya?"
"I'm sorry sir mean, who keep the store here?"
"Yeah" "Oh, lord ... lord memangnya not know yes, what happened?"
The young man just shook his head.
"I'm sorry sir mean women who are not working here anymore, he has gone away and will never come back, he was peaceful there"

As if struck by lightning in broad daylight, the young man collapsed, then he hurried away leaving record store memories.
At home, the young man finally ventured to open the black plastic tape wrapped one by one, what a surprise when he opened the plastic, in which there is a sheet of paper (letter inserted by a woman hero).

FIRST OPENED package: "Do you have time?"
OPEN SECOND PARCEL: "Why do not you reply?"
PARCEL THREE OPEN: "Do you want me the same way?"
OPEN FOURTH PARCEL: "Several times I never tuck your letter of response, it turns out all this time I have one like you. YOU MAY not for me "

With very stammered the young man was crying uncontrollably, he was sorry and regret for what happened
"Oh my God ... why not from the start I opened the black plastic?"

Do not be afraid to express love, say Fill your heart quite frankly, it is accepted or rejected is a consequence of what we do and we should be able to accept it with great magnanimity.

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