Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Dozens of Australian Teachers Learning Culture in Merapi

A total of 32 teachers of Indonesian in Australia to learn about the culture of the villagers in the area southwest of Mount Merapi, Magelang regency, Central Java. "During his visit until tomorrow (Wednesday, 16/1) they see the village life here, especially in agriculture and rural culture," said the coordinator of the "Network Tlatah Boy" Gunawan Julianto Magelang on the sidelines of the teachers receiving group in Magelang, Tuesday . Their visit was facilitated "Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies" (ACICIS). They lived in a number of houses in the hamlet of Cultural Resources in Studio Build leadership and Hamlet Close Personal Lucky Ngisor, Rural Resources, District Shaman, Magelang in complex Padepokan "Tjipto Boedojo Close Ngisor" Anjilin Sitras leadership. They were received by Sitras Anjilin and Personal Luckily for subsequent inter alia review the paddy fields of rice and vegetables in the village, learning about dance lesson braid, watch the kids Merapi giddy dancing, playing percussion, and enjoy the music "uyon-uyon cokekan". "Hopefully with this activity they get to know well about Indonesia and its culture. Whereas there is another important side to they know about Indonesia, among other things village culture, harmony, and peace in the lives of the people here," he said. In addition, he said, they also become more knowledgeable about the daily life of children in the local village. "Participants in these activities is the Indonesian teachers from several schools in Australia," he said. He said that the event was the fourth time in two years, which has facilitated ACICIS, ie three times in 2012 and once in early 2013. On that occasion, in turn Sitras and Lucky describes the cultural activities that they manage through the hermitage and workshops respectively, by involving children and the local community.

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