Tuesday, January 15, 2013

In Paragraph Workshop That Was God

If people had a sharp eye and mind would find the verses of Allah, scattered everywhere, no mind to master the theory of the Big Bang (bang heavily). Or should understand the work of invalid British physicist Stephen Hawking-A Brief History of Time-which is not necessarily easy to digest. Allah can be found on the event or social or natural phenomenon that is very simple. Litter can be observed in the water that falls, the ants are successive, dependent on bees, to the sound of gibbons when the dawn, or the magpie chirping in the morning. Also on buzz kipasan hornbills wings while flying high, in a conversation with the parents of a boy, as well as the attitude of Mr. Workshops are innocent, sincere, and generous. Natural Compliance So on Christmas Day, December 25, 2012, before midday I was cycling in orbit Trihanggo village, Sleman, Yogyakarta, to find a bike chain component parts that must be replaced immediately. If the lord and ladies through the streets of Godean street Sleman heading north, within a distance of about 2 kilometers will be found a large banyan tree, right at the junction of four roads. Drove to the east at a distance of approximately 1 kilometer on the road right before the bridge, there is a bike shop that sold visited customers. In this workshop I noticed signs of Allah in a simple two interrelated phenomena. Linking it looked very familiar intertwined. There was a father with his daughter who is studying in kindergarten belonging A'isyiyah're changing that boy's bike pedal no longer be used. Pedal color pink was chosen to match the color of his bike. I take a good look alit boy behavior, it seems very happy because the bike pedal replaced with new ones. A very sincere happiness of a family most. Suddenly an ice cream through. The boy asked her father to buy her favorite ice it. His father, in the Java language, gently replied, "marai watuk (can cause a cough)." The boy did not rebel in order to fulfill his father's request as well. There was no scowling, no muttered. In fact, this boy as he smiles with his nimble round. Did not actually difficult to separate a boy with ice cream? I suspect that the inner atmosphere of family households once peaceful boy. Allah looks at fathers gentle demeanor and attitude towards children obedient to their parents: a natural adherence results early upbringing regular and polite. Not easy to find in the modern pieces such child's upbringing. This boy excitement escalated when his bike complete with a bell mounted on the right handlebar. For the entire cost plus parts, just ask Mr Workshop Rp 25,000, a figure in the city's peanuts. Attitude mr. Workshop this one no less fascinating to note. Everything is cheap. There is no longer a middle-aged man (apparently familiar to me) motorcycle tire patch of a leak. Once completed, Mr. workshop I asked how the cost. Questions, between Rp 5,000 and Rp 6,000, but the process is quite long because the rubber tire patching should be heated first. Now it's my turn to replace parts bike. Incidentally items are available. There are two that should be replaced. Mr. Workshop asked whether replacing one or two at a time? My answer is: which one is right. Last checked: just one, she said. Not conceived in the mind Mr. Workshop to popularize his wares, anyway, I would not ask if they replaced. Once completed, the cost of parts plus the price of the requested only Rp 5,000. I am surprised, why so cheap, where the cost of technicians and sweat? Sure morally I can not just give the cost of only the amount requested. Beyond the general pattern As the best-selling workshop, I asked why not sell gasoline. Answer Mr. Workshop plain: to share your good fortune with a neighbor who had a store gasoline, fuel though many people ask him. In this mr. workshop stance clearly legible signs of Allah: provision friends not captured, although opportunities to increase revenue wide open. Mr. Wisdom Workshop is a deviation from the general pattern prevailing in Indonesia: twisted together, fight together, and if necessary destroy each other fighting for sustenance. Case haram or halal is beyond consideration. Culture of mr.Workshops are still free from pollution may be the remains of the original nature of Indonesia that has not been eroded by the ferociously bad side of the modernization process.

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