Friday, January 11, 2013


Look at the clothes. Look how dirty your clothes. Clothes-clothes have changed since you first bought it! The colors have faded, and full of sweat. Kiss, the clothes stink! Now, kiss your body odor! The smell of all that you eat, in the sweat. If you eat meat, it can smell like a cow. If you eat meat goats, it can smell like a goat. If you eat fish, it can smell like fish, and if you eat chicken, you will smell like chicken. Even if you are taking medication, it will smell like medicine when you burp. From which all the body odor come from? Of the body. Body odor comes from food that you eat and get into your body. That's why you smell and why your clothes smell, which comes from sweat, from all the food which you have stacked in your body. The stench and dirt collected on clothes can be washed, but what can be done to odors in the body? Send my love to you, my grandchildren, try to think about! You wash your clothes, right? You thought, "I must have looked interesting. I have looked into the matter, "and as such, you maintain the neatness and cleanliness of the clothes. In ancient times, people have slammed into a rock-hempaskan clothes in the river to clean it up, but now, science has given us the washer and we just add a little soap. But the clothes are really suffering in the washing machine earlier. One day, notice how a washing machine works and you will see how the clothes suffered. Clothes are confused, dikucek, rubbed, and thrown. Even if you have to wash them by hand and rinse menyabunnya. That's the only way how dirt can be removed. Clothes are so important, to make it look attractive menatamu, like a groom or a female. My children, in the same way, you have to eliminate smell coming from every pore of your skin. Disease smelling and karma, illusion, pride, jealousy, doubt, hatred, anger, hunks, greed, fanaticism, jealousy, the difference between you and me, mine and yours, mine and yours, my religion and religion, and language my language, my and your son is - how all this rotten! Everything emit a foul smell every second of every pore of your body. It is difficult to eliminate the foul smell coming from the items you are looking for and that has been building inside you. And because it is so difficult, then this may be a little pain when you try to wash this stench. If you suffer from dung containing the infection and the doctor removes the illness with the scalpel, then you may cry because of the pain. If you step on a thorn and the doctor pull out, the more you feel pain so you try to hit or bite the doctor. Quite difficult for doctors to carry out this work without you scold him and take it as a jerk. You may react the same way when it comes to someone who has the wisdom and good qualities and he tried to help yourself from illness karma. It's really heavy. You will suffer when someone who knows, saying that illness. Thoughts and desires, hunger, disease, old age, and death, will suffer. Four hundred trillion, ten thousand diseases that accumulate inside you will experience suffering. If someone told you to get rid of the things which thou hast maintained so carefully, then this will make you sad. You will be yelled at him and full of doubt, anger, jealousy, and then you will escape. So it will be easier to visit someone who has the same qualities as you, someone who will just say, "Oh, no deviant. No problem. You smell nice, just a little wear fragrances, body medicine. I like you. Eat whatever you want and say whatever spell you choose. Then, you will be happy. "You'll love it. You would say that he was a good doctor, a good teacher and a good sheikh. But think about it! Because she smells just like you, then he will not object to your scent. The stench and the smell busukmu will blend nicely, but even the animals will run away run away from the smell, and the stench was so piercing. Think about the skunk. People think a skunk horrible buffalos, unless another skunk. So, when two skunks meet, they are happy. But mankind will do anything to get rid of the stench. Grandchildren, as a skunk does not know that the other skunk smell, then karma karma knows no odor. But a wise man will know. He will try to get rid of the stench. A false teacher will just enjoy the smell of karma. He will not help you to get rid busukmu nature, and thus, the decay properties will continue to grow in you. He will ask for money and say, 'Do this, do that. Give me 200 dollars, and things will change for the better! " A false teacher asking for money, but a true wise man said, "I do not want anything. Already, if you be good enough. " A true healer who tried to cure your diseases, may cause pain to yourself. It is hard to wash away the bad state of the disease is part of the flesh, blood, and mind. Diseases attached to you like a cat. Trying to dilute or remove the disease as a whole, is very difficult. The disease must be addressed with \ [attitude] patience and gratitude, the complacency and despondency. Grandchildren, you need faith, steadiness liver, and certainty. You need all the attributes of God. Thus the paint can be removed with wisdom and love, and you can clean. Send my love to you. It's hard to get rid of the default karma. It's hard to wash and remove the arrogance, karma and illusion, EVAL, singhan and Suran, the illusion of three children. It is so hard to get rid of hatred, greed, bigotry, and jealousy. It is so hard to remove drunk, theft, murder, deceit, anger, nervousness, impatience, selfishness, pride, doubt, suspicion, and division created between religious thought and color. Only if you have the patience, joy, faith, steadiness heart, and all the attributes of God, then people will be able to make you wise as beautiful as he looks. He always tried to do his job. He idak looking for anything from you. Send my love to you, my grandchildren. Think about it and reinforce your faith! We must discard this karma, this stench. The stench is destroying the lives and freedom of the soul. The stench was able to cut all of our lives and destroy our relationship with God. The smell of a skunk in the skin, but the smell of human thought. Fairly easy to peel skunk, but the mind is very difficult to rid the smell. Think about this in depth. Dispose kecongkakanmu, pride, and anger. Have a humble, peace, and tranquility. You must have these qualities, which will be good for you. Send my love to you, my grandchildren. Hopefully karma is gone and the fragrance is ours. May we remain faithful to the Lord, and that we have absolute faith, liver stability and certainty. Respect those traits. Be patient. So, the good doctor could use his wisdom for you. May God help you all. Amen.

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