Sunday, November 23, 2014

Letter piece Sufi

A piece of letter sent by the Sufi Ibn as-Sakandary Atahaillah to one of his companions:
"Man in responding to grace it is divided into three: First, happy to grace, not happy at the Giver and Creator of grace, but only limited excited to form the joy of grace. And this man classified as those who negligent. It is relevant to the words of Allah, "Until when they rejoice over what is given, then suddenly we take immediately." (Al-An'am: 44)

Second, among those who delighted in grace, in terms of the Giver and Penganugerahnya, it is included in his words, "Say (O Muhammad) with God's grace and mercy, then by (through) things that they should rejoice. It was better compared to what they collect (either charity or worship). "(Yunus: 58).

Third, people are happy to Allah, not at all excited on the form lahiriyahnya favors, as well as the inner meanings hidden in favor of it. But more busy looking at Allah than others, so that he did not witness but only on Allah. This is what is referred to in the verse: "Say (O Muhammad) of Allah (alone), and then let them play around in their error." (Al-An'am: 91).

Allah has given the revelation to the Prophet Dawud as, "O Dawud, told the Shiddiqun (Guardian)," Me only they shall rejoice, and let them have fun with the remembrance of Me. "

May Allah SWT, made fun of us and you, only to Him and make us golong people who understand, and do not make us including the negligent. We should also be used as a facer path of those who fear Him, thanks to the grace and glory. "

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