Sunday, October 4, 2015


In outline Melon divided into 2 types:
1. Net Melon (Melon existing Net)
Net Melon example: Sky Rocket, Action, Glamour, Monami, MAI 119, MAI 116, SUMO 28 LADIKA, melon dll.Net fit in lowland 0-500 m above sea level. Because Net melon requires sufficient irradiation.

2. Nonet melon (Melon were no Net)
Nonet Melon example: Honey dew, Pearl, Golden langkawi, Eagle, etc. Nonet melon suitable for the medium plateau 400-700 m above sea level. Because of this large melon fruit was, but it was sweet.

Full body
Melon crops do not require special soil. but better soil paddy crop marks, the crop marks and avoid pain (wilting and leaf rust).

Soil Processing
Should be done as early as possible, so get a good processing and finishes before the seedlings are ready for planting.
Got manufacture is expected to facilitate irrigation and drainage, making it easier to obtain wet soil conditions but complete. Beds made of loose soil so that roots easily penetrate the soil to obtain food nutrients.

How to sow there are 2 ways:

On sprouts for about 30 hours at a temperature of 28-30 degrees C, the roots grow approximately 0.5 cm. Then directly inserted into polybag already prepared and cover with kuntan / medium soft. After 7-10 days the seedlings are ready for planting in the field.
In the nursery with the box. Seeds set in box, after 5-6 days in a polybag new move that has been prepared, after 13 days seedlings ready for planting in the field. For planting the seeds do not be late.

Preparation of planting
A raised bed so with size 1/2:
Width: 120 cm, width trench: 60 cm, Height 40 cm beds, and beds according to the length of the existing land.
And in sow basic fertilizer, namely:
compost / manure 20 tons / ha,
Dolomite 1 ton / ha
ZA: 700 kg.
SP36: 450 kg.
KCL: 250 kg.
After fertilizer at sowing, the beds in order kecroh mixed fertilizer, and soil from the trench in Rev to bed. After that beds in the cover with mulch (PHP) subsequently made planting hole 60-70 cm planted two rows.
Before planting should stake / trellis is mounted first. Lanjaran length of approximately 2 m.

Kocoran NPK fertilizer such aftershocks that have melted / dissolved into the water, with a ratio of 3 kg NPK / 200 lt of water.
3-4 HST.
2 weeks after planting. In select plants that pertumbuhanya slow.
20-23 hst (before anthesis)
After hanging fruit
Avoid giving supplementary fertilizer when the flowers bloom.

Cut Branch
Cut the first branch at old plants 12 days after planting or after 5 leaves. Cut the next branch each armpit leaves, branches cut to pieces to 9 and 10, 11, 12 at maintained for prospective fruits and strands 13 and above in pieces all. Cut branches preferably during the sunny weather, after 25-30 strands cut edges in reserving 2 branches as controls so that the fruit does not break.
After the cut branches or cut the shoots that do penyepraian to prevent infection of the wound piece.

Tie Trunk
Melon plant can not propagate itself it is necessary binding in order not to fall down. Tie rods are first approximately 2 weeks after planting / after cutting the first branch. And subsequent binding of 3-4 days once done.

At the time of planting in watered full / in LEB.
Three days later watered per plant, because the beds were still wet but the ground is dry, the dry season in LEB beds once a week. At the time of leafy plants watered full 6 strands in order to grow uniformly.
Then the plants watered after age 23 day / eve flowering. After selection and subsequent watering the hanging fruit / one week after flowering, avoid watering during the blooming flowers.
After the selection of fruit until the age of 35 days / after flowering state land must always be wet because at that stage of fruit enlargement.
Age 24-35 days after flowering land bit by bit in order to dry the fruit is sweet.

Pest and Disease
- Aphids
Aphids suck the liquid leaves that inhibit plant growth, this pest can spread viral diseases. Pengendalianya with: Marsal, Curacron, or insectisida the others caterpillar caterpillar leaves and fruit.
Caterpillars and caterpillars usually feed on the leaves and fruit rind of the melon that melon defect / cavities and poor fruit quality.
Control with: Tribon, Ketindo, Estap, or other insecticides.
- Fruit flies
Fruit flies attack fruits by piercing the fruit so flawed and rotten fruit. This flies attack the fruit when still young / after hanging fruit.
Control with: furadan sown on top of the mulch, disepray with rizotin or other insecticides.

- Leaf rust, powdery mildew, layuaun
Disease leaf rust fungus that attacks the leaves, early leaf berecak are yellow to yellowish and widespread that it becomes brownish color daunya.
Control with: fungicide, Dithane M45, Daconil, Ridomil MZ, rovral or other fungicide.
- Powdery mildew disease.
Attacked leaf surface are trotol-white trotol like sprinkles flour, long into the dry.
Control with: fungicides, morestan and rubigan (1 cap / tengki)
- Wilt
Which caused the bacteria and fungi.
Abatement with: Preparation of good land, the use of manure that has been finished, and the use of such advice or dikocor dolomid with bactochyu on crop holes, before Tariam.

Melon crops ready to harvest after the age of 65 days after planting.
- The characteristics ready to harvest: yellow flag leaf and fruit-scented melon already for certain types and levels of sugar has reached 13 brix.
- How to harvest: In cutting the stem to form the letter "T" for varieties of red meat. And cut the fruit stalk to the type of white melon (yellow).

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