Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Simple Drip Irrigation by using emitters of waste cigarette filter

Dry land in Indonesia covers about 33.3 million ha (CBS, 1997), with most of the land is dry climate type D and E based on the classification zone Oldeman aklimat. One obstacle cultivation in this area is the limited water to the plant, because it is much needed irrigation during a dry days. It is also experienced by the province of Lampung.

In order to obtain water-saving irrigation system for arid areas, it is necessary to develop an efficient water delivery technology. One type of provision of effective and efficient irrigation is drip irrigation. Keller and Bleisner (1990) states that drip irrigation is more efficient in water use compared with sprinkler irrigation systems and surface irrigation.

In the management of drip irrigation systems requires knowledge of the technology of drip irrigation systems and technical water pumps to various equipment. In addition, the problem of the cost of the investment to build a drip irrigation system is an obstacle for small farmers who will apply the drip irrigation system. As experienced by a farmer at Metro Kibang, East Lampung, Jainal Abidin. According to him, "The price offered by the manufacturer to build a network of drip irrigation systems are very expensive"
Therefore, in irrigation technology news this time, Atusi Online presents a result of my research on wars drip irrigation system using local raw materials and waste cigarette filter as its emitter (dropper her). Research emitter alternative cigarette filter waste ever undertaken by Tusi (2007), by using emitter of cigarette filter with the characteristics of the waste discharge of 0.14 l / h at a head pressure of 15 cm and category orrifice drippers.

Simple Drip Irrigation System Draft (ITS)

The ITS system design using the Knock-down system (Removable), making it easier for farmers to move this irrigation system (mobile). ITS systems have been tested for cucumber plants with a capacity of as much as 20 crop plants with a spacing of 50 x 60 cm. Diameter hoses used for drip irrigation with a diameter of 0.5 cm. Dropper system using waste filter cigarettes of certain brands on the market and is quite well-known in the community. In Figure 1 is shown ITS system as a whole.

Given the growth of cucumber plants irrigated with the ITS system can grow faster and better than with conventional watering. This is evident from the emergence of interest / faster flowering phase (before conception) of the cucumber plant control

Based on observations and testing in the laboratory and field, ITS System (Simple Drip Irrigation) by using emitters of waste cigarette filter can be used. For colleagues who are interested and are interested please try. Always success…

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