Monday, July 29, 2013


Beauty is the dream of the women.
They dress up, decorated, shows jewelry and body attractiveness.
Just to get a beauty queen title.

Do not they know that haqiqi beauty?

This is the advice of parents to the daughter of the meaning of beauty that haqiqi.

Beauty souls higher value.

"O my daughter, if you want beauty adorn the body and your mind, leave the habit berabarruj (preen), because the beauty of the soul higher and more noble.
(This is as artificial flowers), artificial flowers that are made by the penghiasnya, but the garden flowers that are not there that rival the beauty and shape.

"O my daughter, be thou like the sun that illuminates that noble and good man who despised.

Shyness and gentle attitude is commendable temperament.
Make a shame as your temperament.

More major embarrassment for in a woman.
There is no iota of happiness in a girl if her shyness had vanished.

And if you see one that hit trouble, stretch out and help him with tears iringilah goodness.

Because the tears that came out of a sense of goodness is more beautiful and more beautiful in the cheek and the higher the value of the gem.

Hopefully Helpful.


Kecantikan adalah impian para wanita.
Mereka berdandan,berhias,menunjukan perhiasan dan kemolekan tubuh.
Hanya untuk mendapatkan gelar ratu kecantikan.

Tidakkah mereka mengetahui kecantikan yg haqiqi?

Inilah nasehat orang tua kepada putrinya akan makna kecantikan yg haqiqi.

Kecantikan jiwa lebih tinggi nilainya.

"Wahai putriku,jika engkau menginginkan kecantikan menghiasi tubuh dan akalmu,tinggalkanlah kebiasaan berabarruj (bersolek),karena kecantikan jiwa itu lebih tinggi dan lebih mulia.
(Hal ini sebagaimana bunga buatan),bunga buatan yg dibuat oleh para penghiasnya,namun bunga yg berada ditaman tidak ada yg menyaingi keindahan dan bentuknya.

"Wahai putriku,jadilah engkau seperti matahari yg menyinari manusia baik yg mulia maupun yg hina.

Rasa malu dan sikap lemah lembut adalah perangai terpuji.
Jadikanlah rasa malu sebagai perangaimu.

Karena rasa malu lebih utama dalam diri seorang wanita.
Tidak ada kebahagiaan sedikitpun pada seorang gadis jika rasa malu sudah lenyap darinya.

Dan jika engkau melihat seorang yg tertimpa kesusahan,ulurkanlah kepadanya bantuan dan iringilah dengan cucuran air mata kebaikan.

Karena air mata yg keluar dari rasa kebaikan lebih indah dalam pipi dan lebih cantik serta lebih tinggi nilainya dari permata.

Semoga Bermanfaat.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Not merely by the boisterous party, relatives importantly, not showcase the guest of honor, a magnificent stage, decorations or festive party wah ..

Married ...
Not just form a team working to make money to buy any kind of property is abundant ..
Not just a means to learn to cook, sew for my wife and a learning tool for the correct electrical equipment
husband ..

Married ...
Not simply equate hobbies and passions so until there is humor adage: If both are fond of music, meaning there could be lasting symptoms ..
If both like seafood means a bright future ...
(That simple?!

Married not just the ...

Married pair of sandals is different from the parable, who only had the left and right aspect ..

Marriage is the union of two human beings .. men and wanita.From anatomy alone is not congruent, let alone the affairs of his heart and soul ...

Married is ...
Contents together two heads, two ideas, two dreams into something big - Meaningful - not just for us, couples and families, but also for others around.

Married is ...
Decided anchored in the beach, when hundreds of glitzy yachts calling ...

Married is ..
How to achieve perfect religion, the perfect lead up to marriage say half deen ..

Married is ...
Courage to accept all the advantages and disadvantages partner. Fostering tolerance and tolerate high levels of partner is.

Married requires broad-mindedness to assimilate the word 'I' and 'you' to 'we' ..

Married is ..
Maturation process of a person to be more willing to take a stand and decided to even the smallest business.
Great cooperation to move, work together to get it cheap tickets paradise.

Married is ..
University life where material temptations, heart, faith is the test.

Married is ..
Learn to forgive and learn to say "well, it's my fault, I'll try to fix it".
Learning to communicate in both directions, which we do not speak:
"You have to understand me! ', But must dare to speak" I understand you, I understand what you want and cita2kan, let's together build "

Married ..
Teach us so much about life, about how to love God with a perfect through our love of family ...

May every blessing we won the wedding .. Aamiin ..

Monday, July 22, 2013


One time there was a young man who so greatly admire the female figure that had been craved. The young man continued to think about how to approach a woman who's after that, he was confused where to start from.
"Ahaaa ... better I used to buy tapes in her shop alone, it can often meet" Who knows how many pieces of tape that has been bought.

Although the tapes were purchased at random and are not interested in, the young man still buying.
"This master tape", with friendly smiling faces that woman gives cassettes wrapped in black plastic bags,
with very stammered the young man replied, "ye ... ye ... yes ... ma ... thanks yaa".

The young man had left the record store and he bought every cassette strangely, he never opened the contents of the tape, he immediately put it in a special box which is stored neatly in the closet.
The young man continued the same routine and at the end when the young man returned to the record store, he merasaterkejut tapes because guards had changed;
"Eits ... not changed because of the plastic surgery loh" he he he ... but the guards changed person.

The young man had the courage to ask for the presence of a woman who's after.
"Excuse me, miss ... if the other ladies where ya?"
"I'm sorry sir mean, who keep the store here?"
"Yeah" "Oh, lord ... lord memangnya not know yes, what happened?"
The young man just shook his head.
"I'm sorry sir mean women who are not working here anymore, he has gone away and will never come back, he was peaceful there"

As if struck by lightning in broad daylight, the young man collapsed, then he hurried away leaving record store memories.
At home, the young man finally ventured to open the black plastic tape wrapped one by one, what a surprise when he opened the plastic, in which there is a sheet of paper (letter inserted by a woman hero).

FIRST OPENED package: "Do you have time?"
OPEN SECOND PARCEL: "Why do not you reply?"
PARCEL THREE OPEN: "Do you want me the same way?"
OPEN FOURTH PARCEL: "Several times I never tuck your letter of response, it turns out all this time I have one like you. YOU MAY not for me "

With very stammered the young man was crying uncontrollably, he was sorry and regret for what happened
"Oh my God ... why not from the start I opened the black plastic?"

Do not be afraid to express love, say Fill your heart quite frankly, it is accepted or rejected is a consequence of what we do and we should be able to accept it with great magnanimity.

Friday, July 12, 2013

The discovery of giant catfish tantrum in Bogor

Warga Kelurahan Kedung Badak, Kecamatan Tanah Sareal, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat, digemparkan dengan penemuan seekor lele raksasa dengan panjang dua meter dan berat 50 kilogram. Tak cuma itu, mereka juga menemukan enam ekor lain dengan berat masing-masing 25-30 kg.

Nunung, 36, seorang warga Tanah Sereal mengatakan, sekitar tiga minggu lalu, pegawai jalan tol Bogor Outer Ring Road (BORR) membawa enam lele raksasa. Warga yang melihat lele raksasa itu bukan main terkejut. Daging lele itu kemudian dibagikan kepada warga.

"Tapi sebagian warga tidak memakannya, karena takut dengan bentuk dan beratnya yang mencapai 30 kg," katanya, Senin 1 April 2013.

Namun, kata dia, sebagian warga tidak menampik rezeki itu dan memakannya. "Saya tidak makan, takut lele 'jadi-jadian'," katanya.

Meski tidak makan, Nunung sempat memperhatikan daging lele tersebut. Lele raksasa ini dagingnya hitam agak pucat, sedangkan lele yang biasa di makan dagingnya putih.

Dendi salah seorang mandor proyek itu mengatakan awal mula penemuan lele tersebut. Menurut dia, pegawainya saat itu hendak mengebor tanah untuk pondasi tiang tol.

"Rupanya bornya tembus gorong-gorong yang di dalamnya ada lele besar," katanya. Setelah dicek, ternyata ada sekitar 7 lele, dengan berat bervariasi antara 20-50 kg. Lele itulah yang kemudian dibagi-bagikan kepada warga sekitar.

Geger Penemuan Lele Raksasa di Bogor

Warga Kelurahan Kedung Badak, Kecamatan Tanah Sareal, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat, digemparkan dengan penemuan seekor lele raksasa dengan panjang dua meter dan berat 50 kilogram. Tak cuma itu, mereka juga menemukan enam ekor lain dengan berat masing-masing 25-30 kg.

Nunung, 36, seorang warga Tanah Sereal mengatakan, sekitar tiga minggu lalu, pegawai jalan tol Bogor Outer Ring Road (BORR) membawa enam lele raksasa. Warga yang melihat lele raksasa itu bukan main terkejut. Daging lele itu kemudian dibagikan kepada warga.

"Tapi sebagian warga tidak memakannya, karena takut dengan bentuk dan beratnya yang mencapai 30 kg," katanya, Senin 1 April 2013.

Namun, kata dia, sebagian warga tidak menampik rezeki itu dan memakannya. "Saya tidak makan, takut lele 'jadi-jadian'," katanya.

Meski tidak makan, Nunung sempat memperhatikan daging lele tersebut. Lele raksasa ini dagingnya hitam agak pucat, sedangkan lele yang biasa di makan dagingnya putih.

Dendi salah seorang mandor proyek itu mengatakan awal mula penemuan lele tersebut. Menurut dia, pegawainya saat itu hendak mengebor tanah untuk pondasi tiang tol.

"Rupanya bornya tembus gorong-gorong yang di dalamnya ada lele besar," katanya. Setelah dicek, ternyata ada sekitar 7 lele, dengan berat bervariasi antara 20-50 kg. Lele itulah yang kemudian dibagi-bagikan kepada warga sekitar.

How to Take Care of Dry Hair

Dry Hair has indeed become a problem in itself, especially for the women but also men throughout the world. If you want to know more about these tips for caring for dry hair can read the info below for more complete.

Dry hair is one indication that the hair had an unhealthy alias problem, so need to care that his condition back to normal and you sehat.Taukah that cause dry hair, there are several factors: often exposed to the sun, dry your hair with a hair dryer, too frequent or infrequent shampooing, hair chemicals in the drug, and because of certain diseases.

How to Take Care of Dry Hair

To find out your hair healthy or can not be tested in a simple way is put your hair in a glass of water. If your hair sinks, meaning relatively healthy hair. But, if the strands of hair floats, it means your hair dry and unhealthy.
How to Take Care of Dry Hair with Ease

1. Rinse your hair with cold water
Are you someone who frequently rinse hair with warm water? If that is so, try starting from now fox memilas way your hair, rinse your hair with cold water. Loh why should use cold water? This is based on cold water can keep your hair moisture, so it is recommended to rinse with cold water. and inversely if you use warm water to rinse her hair.

2. Remove the hair rope while sleeping
Lepaslah tie your hair when you go to sleep, and let your hair so disheveled hair back 'breathe' after being exposed to the scorching matahri or closed all day. Hair ties are too tight or strong can cause hair helain you are interested in and over time will experience hair loss.

3. Stop and do not use the equipment in the hair
Rest your hair from styling tools. Because if you are still using styling tools can make your hair dry naturally heat and, therefore, avoid the first equipment used meta uunruk hair. The tool tool that you should avoid are air conditioning, catokan, blow dryer, and other tools that can instrument your hair mebuat unhealthy.

4. Do not wash your hair every day.
Actually mengkramas hair with shampoo is one way to make your hair clean, but you taukah that shampoo use shampoo every day can actually make your hair is damaged and dry. This disari by the natural oils found on the scalp, this oil to moisturize hair, if your hair every day with shampoo mengkramas the natural oils will be lost and can only make your hair so dry and damaged. To avoid that you try karmas 2 days only, so that the natural hair oils can be reproduced very well.

5. Avoid mensisir hair when wet.
When hair is wet at all times do not you comb it, because wet hair is usually a bit fragile and easily fall out. Not only the loss of water content that can moisturize the hair will also be lost, so try not to comb your hair when wet.

6. Do not often paint the hair.
If you like to paint your hair with different colors, from now reduce the habit because it can damage your hair and makes the hair easy to dry. However, if it is required to work with dressing change color wambut like the artist, you can mensiasatinya by using a hair treatment conditioner every day.

That he was a few things that should be considered in treating dry hair easily so will look healthy and shiny again

Monday, July 8, 2013

Mempunyai Rambut Kering memang menjadi masalah tersendiri terutama untuk kaum perempuan tapi juga kaum laki-laki diseluruh dunia. Jika ingin tau lebih lanjut mengenai tips-tips untuk merawat rambut kering bisa baca info dibawah ini agar lebih lengkap.

Rambut kering adalah salah satu indikasi bahwa rambutmu mengalami suatu masalah alias tidak sehat, jadi perlu perawatan agar kondisi nya kembali normal dan sehat.Taukah kamu bahwa penyebab rambut kering itu ada beberapa faktor yaitu : sering terkena sinar matahari, mengeringkan rambut dengan hair dryer, terlalu sering atau jarang keramas, bahan kimia pada obat rambut, dan karena penyakit tertentu.

Cara Merawat Rambut Kering

Untuk mengetahui rambut kamu sehat atau tidak bisa ditest dengan cara yang sederhana adalah letakkan helai rambut kamu pada segelas air bening. Jika rambut kamu tenggelam, berarti rambutmu tergolong sehat. Tapi, jika helai rambutmu mengapung, itu artinya rambut kamu kering dan tidak sehat.
Cara Merawat Rambut Kering dengan Mudah

1. Bilas rambut dengan air dingin
Apakah anda seseorang yang sering membilas rambut dengan air hangat? Jika memang iya, usahakan mulai dari sekarang rubah cara memilas rambut anda, bilaslah rambut dengan menggunakan air dingin. Loh kenapa harus menggunakan air dingin? Hal ini didasari pada Air dingin dapat menjaga kelembapan rambut anda, sehingga anda dianjurkan untuk membilas dengan air dingin. dan berbanding terbalik jika anda menggunakan air hangat untuk membilas rambutnya.

2. Lepaskan tali rambut saat tidur
Lepaslah ikat rambut anda ketika anda hendak tidur, dan biarkan rambut terurai sehingga rambut kembali ‘bernafas’ setelah terkena terik matahri atau tertutup seharian. Ikatan rambut yang terlalu kencang atau kuat bisa mengakibatkan helain rambut anda tertarik dan lama kelamaan akan mengalami kerontokan.

3. Berhentilah sejenak untuk tidak mengunakan peralatan pada rambut
Istirahatkan rambut anda dari berbagai alat-alat penataan rambut. Karena jika anda masih menggunakan alat penataan rambut dapat membuat rambut anda panas dan tentunya kering, oleh karena itu hindari dulu peralatan yang digunakan uunruk meta rambut. Adapun alat alat yang harus anda hindari adalah pengering rambut, catokan, blow dryer, dan alat alat lainnya yang bisa mebuat rambut anda tak sehat.

4. Jangan keramas rambut setiap hari.
Sebenarnya mengkramas rambut dengan sampo adalah salah satu cara untuk menjadikan rambut anda bersih, namun taukah anda bahwa keramas menggunakan sampo setiap hari malah bisa membuat rambut anda rusak dan kering. Hal ini disari oleh adanya minyak alami yang terdapat pada kulit kepala, minyak ini bermanfaat untuk melembabkan rambut, jika anda setiap hari mengkramas rambut dengan shampoo maka minyak alami ini akan hilang dan bisa saja membuat rambut anda jadi kering dan rusak. Untuk menghindari itu usahakan anda karmas 2 hari sekali saja, supaya minyak rambut alami itu bisa terproduksi dengan baik.

5. Hindari mensisir rambut saat basah.
Saat rambut basah jangan sekali kali anda menyisirnya,karena rambut basah biasanya sedikit rapuh dan mudah rontok. Tak hanya rontok kadar air yang bisa melembabkan rambut juga akan hilang, jadi usahakan jangan menyisir rambut anda saat basah.

6. Jangan sering mengecat rambut.
Jika anda hobi mengecat rambut dengan aneka warna, mulai sekarang kurangi kebiasaan tersebut karena bisa merusak rambut anda dan membuat rambut mudah kering. Namun jika memang dituntut untuk bekerja dengan ganti ganti warna wambut seperti para artis, maka anda bisa mensiasatinya dengan melakukan perawatan rambut menggunakan kondisioner setiap hari.

Itu dia beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam merawat rambut kering dengan mudah agar nanti terlihat sehat dan berkilau kembali

Tips on How to Take Care of Hair at Home without Having to Salon

Want to know Tips on How to Take Care of Hair at Home without Having to Salon? maybe this is what needed by the men and women who suffered damage to her beautiful hair. If you have free time when holidays like this, maybe you could try the hair treatment at home without having to queue at the salon subscription.
Tips on How to Take Care of Hair at Home without Having to Salon The use of natural materials can also help repair damaged hair. The following hair care tips at home without having to go to a salon that quoted from Timesofiindia.

1. Normal hair
Grab a cup of Amla or amla powder, which is usually found in cosmetics shops India. Add two tablespoons of castor oil and one egg, mix everything and apply on the hair and scalp. Let stand for 30 minutes before shampooing.

2. Dry Hair
For dry hair, always use conditioner after shampooing. Mix multani mitti (mix 2 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon of raw milk, 6 drops of lemon juice with a few drops of olive oil) and add two tablespoons of coconut oil and egg yolks. Apply on the scalp and leave for half an hour, the new wash with shampoo.

3. Oily hair
Make a mixture of one cup of henna powder and one tablespoon of lemon juice. Add one egg white. Apply this mixture on your hair, leave on for half an hour and then shampoo. Do not wash your hair with hot water because it can cause flaking scalp. Use warm water and shampoo one to two times a week. May also occasionally dab of olive oil on your hair, especially in the middle and the end of the hair. Wait about 2 hours of a new shampoo.

4. Hair dandruff
Add 1 teaspoon of camphor and half a cup of coconut oil. Store in a glass container and massage into the scalp before bed. For dandruff hair, use a shampoo and hair conditioner separately. Conditioner only used on the ends of your hair for 10-15 minutes to dry and prevent hair loss. Another way could also mix the lemon juice with two tablespoons of coconut oil. Massage into the roots of your hair regularly. Wash with warm water after three to four hours or leave overnight, then wash hair.

5. Hair loss
Massage hair roots with fresh coconut milk can be beneficial in treating hair loss. Let stand for 15 to 20 minutes and rinsed, then you can wash it.

That is some way Hair Care at Home without Having to Salon hopefully you can practice at home and will not promise to salon again, some are experiencing skin problems such as acne can try How to get rid of acne fast so that your problem is resolved quickly.

Tips Cara Merawat Rambut di Rumah tanpa Harus ke Salon

Mau tau Tips Cara Merawat Rambut di Rumah tanpa Harus ke Salon ? mungkin inilah yang dibutuhkan para pria dan wanita yang mengalami kerusakan pada rambutnya yang indah. Jika Anda memiliki waktu luang ketika liburan seperti ini, mungkin Anda bisa mencoba perawatan rambut di rumah tanpa harus mengantre di salon langganan. Tips Cara Merawat Rambut di Rumah tanpa Harus ke Salon Penggunaan bahan-bahan alami juga bisa membantu memperbaiki rambut rusak. berikut ini tips merawat rambut di rumah tanpa harus pergi ke salon yang dikutip dari Timesofiindia.

1. Rambut normal
Ambil secangkir bubuk Amla atau KLSLM, yang biasanya terdapat di toko-toko kosmetik India. Tambahkan dua sendok makan minyak jarak dan satu telur, campurkan semuanya dan oleskan pada rambut dan kulit kepala. Diamkan selama 30 menit sebelum keramas.

2. Rambut Kering
Untuk Rambut kering, gunakan selalu kondisioner setelah keramas. Campurkan multani mitti (campuran 2 sendok tepung, 1 sendok susu mentah, 6 tetes air jeruk nipis dengan beberapa tetes minyak zaitun) dan tambahkan dua sendok makan minyak kelapa dan kuning telur. Oleskan pada kulit kepala dan biarkan selama setengah jam, baru bersihkan dengan shampo.

3. Rambut berminyak
Buatlah campuran dari satu cangkir bubuk henna dan satu sendok makan air jeruk nipis. Tambahkan satu putih telur. Oleskan campuran ini pada rambut, biarkan selama setengah jam dan kemudian sampo. Jangan mencuci rambut Anda dengan menggunakan air panas karena dapat menyebabkan pengelupasan kulit kepala. Gunakan air hangat dan keramas satu hingga dua kali seminggu. Sesekali juga boleh mengoles minyak zaitun pada rambut Anda terutama di ujung dan tengah rambut. Tunggu sekitar 2 jam baru keramas.

4. Rambut ketombe Tambahkan 1 sendok teh kapur barus dan setengah cangkir minyak kelapa. Simpan dalam wadah kaca dan pijat ke kulit kepala sebelum tidur. Untuk rambut berketombe, Gunakan shampo dan kondisioner rambut secara terpisah. Kondisioner hanya digunakan pada ujung rambut selama 10-15 menit untuk mencegah rambut kering dan rontok. Cara lain juga bisa mencampur satu jus lemon dengan dua sendok minyak kelapa. Pijat ke akar rambut secara teratur. Cuci dengan air hangat setelah tiga sampai empat jam atau biarkan semalaman, kemudian cuci bersih rambut.

5. Rambut rontok
Pijat akar rambut dengan santan segar bisa bermanfaat dalam mengobati rambut rontok. Biarkan selama 15 sampai 20 menit dan dibilas, kemudian Anda bisa keramas. (Reffrensi : )

Itulah beberapa Cara Merawat Rambut di Rumah tanpa Harus ke Salon semoga kamu bisa mempraktekkannya dirumah dan berjanji tidak akan kesalon lagi, ada juga yang mengalami masalah pada kulit wajah seperti jerawat bisa mencoba Cara menghilangkan jerawat dengan cepat agar masalah anda cepat teratasi.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Dozens of Australian Teachers Learning Culture in Merapi

A total of 32 teachers of Indonesian in Australia to learn about the culture of the villagers in the area southwest of Mount Merapi, Magelang regency, Central Java. "During his visit until tomorrow (Wednesday, 16/1) they see the village life here, especially in agriculture and rural culture," said the coordinator of the "Network Tlatah Boy" Gunawan Julianto Magelang on the sidelines of the teachers receiving group in Magelang, Tuesday . Their visit was facilitated "Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies" (ACICIS). They lived in a number of houses in the hamlet of Cultural Resources in Studio Build leadership and Hamlet Close Personal Lucky Ngisor, Rural Resources, District Shaman, Magelang in complex Padepokan "Tjipto Boedojo Close Ngisor" Anjilin Sitras leadership. They were received by Sitras Anjilin and Personal Luckily for subsequent inter alia review the paddy fields of rice and vegetables in the village, learning about dance lesson braid, watch the kids Merapi giddy dancing, playing percussion, and enjoy the music "uyon-uyon cokekan". "Hopefully with this activity they get to know well about Indonesia and its culture. Whereas there is another important side to they know about Indonesia, among other things village culture, harmony, and peace in the lives of the people here," he said. In addition, he said, they also become more knowledgeable about the daily life of children in the local village. "Participants in these activities is the Indonesian teachers from several schools in Australia," he said. He said that the event was the fourth time in two years, which has facilitated ACICIS, ie three times in 2012 and once in early 2013. On that occasion, in turn Sitras and Lucky describes the cultural activities that they manage through the hermitage and workshops respectively, by involving children and the local community.

In Paragraph Workshop That Was God

If people had a sharp eye and mind would find the verses of Allah, scattered everywhere, no mind to master the theory of the Big Bang (bang heavily). Or should understand the work of invalid British physicist Stephen Hawking-A Brief History of Time-which is not necessarily easy to digest. Allah can be found on the event or social or natural phenomenon that is very simple. Litter can be observed in the water that falls, the ants are successive, dependent on bees, to the sound of gibbons when the dawn, or the magpie chirping in the morning. Also on buzz kipasan hornbills wings while flying high, in a conversation with the parents of a boy, as well as the attitude of Mr. Workshops are innocent, sincere, and generous. Natural Compliance So on Christmas Day, December 25, 2012, before midday I was cycling in orbit Trihanggo village, Sleman, Yogyakarta, to find a bike chain component parts that must be replaced immediately. If the lord and ladies through the streets of Godean street Sleman heading north, within a distance of about 2 kilometers will be found a large banyan tree, right at the junction of four roads. Drove to the east at a distance of approximately 1 kilometer on the road right before the bridge, there is a bike shop that sold visited customers. In this workshop I noticed signs of Allah in a simple two interrelated phenomena. Linking it looked very familiar intertwined. There was a father with his daughter who is studying in kindergarten belonging A'isyiyah're changing that boy's bike pedal no longer be used. Pedal color pink was chosen to match the color of his bike. I take a good look alit boy behavior, it seems very happy because the bike pedal replaced with new ones. A very sincere happiness of a family most. Suddenly an ice cream through. The boy asked her father to buy her favorite ice it. His father, in the Java language, gently replied, "marai watuk (can cause a cough)." The boy did not rebel in order to fulfill his father's request as well. There was no scowling, no muttered. In fact, this boy as he smiles with his nimble round. Did not actually difficult to separate a boy with ice cream? I suspect that the inner atmosphere of family households once peaceful boy. Allah looks at fathers gentle demeanor and attitude towards children obedient to their parents: a natural adherence results early upbringing regular and polite. Not easy to find in the modern pieces such child's upbringing. This boy excitement escalated when his bike complete with a bell mounted on the right handlebar. For the entire cost plus parts, just ask Mr Workshop Rp 25,000, a figure in the city's peanuts. Attitude mr. Workshop this one no less fascinating to note. Everything is cheap. There is no longer a middle-aged man (apparently familiar to me) motorcycle tire patch of a leak. Once completed, Mr. workshop I asked how the cost. Questions, between Rp 5,000 and Rp 6,000, but the process is quite long because the rubber tire patching should be heated first. Now it's my turn to replace parts bike. Incidentally items are available. There are two that should be replaced. Mr. Workshop asked whether replacing one or two at a time? My answer is: which one is right. Last checked: just one, she said. Not conceived in the mind Mr. Workshop to popularize his wares, anyway, I would not ask if they replaced. Once completed, the cost of parts plus the price of the requested only Rp 5,000. I am surprised, why so cheap, where the cost of technicians and sweat? Sure morally I can not just give the cost of only the amount requested. Beyond the general pattern As the best-selling workshop, I asked why not sell gasoline. Answer Mr. Workshop plain: to share your good fortune with a neighbor who had a store gasoline, fuel though many people ask him. In this mr. workshop stance clearly legible signs of Allah: provision friends not captured, although opportunities to increase revenue wide open. Mr. Wisdom Workshop is a deviation from the general pattern prevailing in Indonesia: twisted together, fight together, and if necessary destroy each other fighting for sustenance. Case haram or halal is beyond consideration. Culture of mr.Workshops are still free from pollution may be the remains of the original nature of Indonesia that has not been eroded by the ferociously bad side of the modernization process.

Friday, January 11, 2013


Look at the clothes. Look how dirty your clothes. Clothes-clothes have changed since you first bought it! The colors have faded, and full of sweat. Kiss, the clothes stink! Now, kiss your body odor! The smell of all that you eat, in the sweat. If you eat meat, it can smell like a cow. If you eat meat goats, it can smell like a goat. If you eat fish, it can smell like fish, and if you eat chicken, you will smell like chicken. Even if you are taking medication, it will smell like medicine when you burp. From which all the body odor come from? Of the body. Body odor comes from food that you eat and get into your body. That's why you smell and why your clothes smell, which comes from sweat, from all the food which you have stacked in your body. The stench and dirt collected on clothes can be washed, but what can be done to odors in the body? Send my love to you, my grandchildren, try to think about! You wash your clothes, right? You thought, "I must have looked interesting. I have looked into the matter, "and as such, you maintain the neatness and cleanliness of the clothes. In ancient times, people have slammed into a rock-hempaskan clothes in the river to clean it up, but now, science has given us the washer and we just add a little soap. But the clothes are really suffering in the washing machine earlier. One day, notice how a washing machine works and you will see how the clothes suffered. Clothes are confused, dikucek, rubbed, and thrown. Even if you have to wash them by hand and rinse menyabunnya. That's the only way how dirt can be removed. Clothes are so important, to make it look attractive menatamu, like a groom or a female. My children, in the same way, you have to eliminate smell coming from every pore of your skin. Disease smelling and karma, illusion, pride, jealousy, doubt, hatred, anger, hunks, greed, fanaticism, jealousy, the difference between you and me, mine and yours, mine and yours, my religion and religion, and language my language, my and your son is - how all this rotten! Everything emit a foul smell every second of every pore of your body. It is difficult to eliminate the foul smell coming from the items you are looking for and that has been building inside you. And because it is so difficult, then this may be a little pain when you try to wash this stench. If you suffer from dung containing the infection and the doctor removes the illness with the scalpel, then you may cry because of the pain. If you step on a thorn and the doctor pull out, the more you feel pain so you try to hit or bite the doctor. Quite difficult for doctors to carry out this work without you scold him and take it as a jerk. You may react the same way when it comes to someone who has the wisdom and good qualities and he tried to help yourself from illness karma. It's really heavy. You will suffer when someone who knows, saying that illness. Thoughts and desires, hunger, disease, old age, and death, will suffer. Four hundred trillion, ten thousand diseases that accumulate inside you will experience suffering. If someone told you to get rid of the things which thou hast maintained so carefully, then this will make you sad. You will be yelled at him and full of doubt, anger, jealousy, and then you will escape. So it will be easier to visit someone who has the same qualities as you, someone who will just say, "Oh, no deviant. No problem. You smell nice, just a little wear fragrances, body medicine. I like you. Eat whatever you want and say whatever spell you choose. Then, you will be happy. "You'll love it. You would say that he was a good doctor, a good teacher and a good sheikh. But think about it! Because she smells just like you, then he will not object to your scent. The stench and the smell busukmu will blend nicely, but even the animals will run away run away from the smell, and the stench was so piercing. Think about the skunk. People think a skunk horrible buffalos, unless another skunk. So, when two skunks meet, they are happy. But mankind will do anything to get rid of the stench. Grandchildren, as a skunk does not know that the other skunk smell, then karma karma knows no odor. But a wise man will know. He will try to get rid of the stench. A false teacher will just enjoy the smell of karma. He will not help you to get rid busukmu nature, and thus, the decay properties will continue to grow in you. He will ask for money and say, 'Do this, do that. Give me 200 dollars, and things will change for the better! " A false teacher asking for money, but a true wise man said, "I do not want anything. Already, if you be good enough. " A true healer who tried to cure your diseases, may cause pain to yourself. It is hard to wash away the bad state of the disease is part of the flesh, blood, and mind. Diseases attached to you like a cat. Trying to dilute or remove the disease as a whole, is very difficult. The disease must be addressed with \ [attitude] patience and gratitude, the complacency and despondency. Grandchildren, you need faith, steadiness liver, and certainty. You need all the attributes of God. Thus the paint can be removed with wisdom and love, and you can clean. Send my love to you. It's hard to get rid of the default karma. It's hard to wash and remove the arrogance, karma and illusion, EVAL, singhan and Suran, the illusion of three children. It is so hard to get rid of hatred, greed, bigotry, and jealousy. It is so hard to remove drunk, theft, murder, deceit, anger, nervousness, impatience, selfishness, pride, doubt, suspicion, and division created between religious thought and color. Only if you have the patience, joy, faith, steadiness heart, and all the attributes of God, then people will be able to make you wise as beautiful as he looks. He always tried to do his job. He idak looking for anything from you. Send my love to you, my grandchildren. Think about it and reinforce your faith! We must discard this karma, this stench. The stench is destroying the lives and freedom of the soul. The stench was able to cut all of our lives and destroy our relationship with God. The smell of a skunk in the skin, but the smell of human thought. Fairly easy to peel skunk, but the mind is very difficult to rid the smell. Think about this in depth. Dispose kecongkakanmu, pride, and anger. Have a humble, peace, and tranquility. You must have these qualities, which will be good for you. Send my love to you, my grandchildren. Hopefully karma is gone and the fragrance is ours. May we remain faithful to the Lord, and that we have absolute faith, liver stability and certainty. Respect those traits. Be patient. So, the good doctor could use his wisdom for you. May God help you all. Amen.