Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Indrayanti Beach Wonosari Jogjakarta

GRC - Wonosari storing sights shall we go for goa Pindulnya elegance and beauty of the beaches. Indrayanti beach is located in the coastal district of Gunung Tepus Sundak districts. White sandy beaches which extend from East to West, this relatively new and quite beautiful. Besides beautiful, the beach area is very clean, because this coastal managers impose a fine on each of its visitors when caught littering.

The mention of the name of the previous Indrayanti Beach reap a lot of controversy. Indrayanti not the name of the beach, but the name of the owner of the cafe and restaurant. Due Indrayanti name displayed on the nameplate cafes and restaurants beach, eventually people call this beach with the name Indrayanti Beach. While the government named this beach by beach name Home Shawwal. However Indrayanti name much more popular and more often than Pulang called Shawwal. The involvement of the private sector in the management Indrayanti Beach apparently helped bring positive impact. Unlike the other beaches are rather dirty, along the coastline Indrayanti looks clean and free of litter. This is because the manager did not hesitate to impose a fine of Rp. 10,000 for each waste dumped by tourists indiscriminately. Therefore Indrayanti be a pleasant place to visit.

Business Jetsky beaches provide some pieces that can be rented beach visitors to enjoy the beauty of the beach from the other side, besides the pleasure berjetsky ria course. After berjetsky, visitors can play at the seashore while playing the sea water and enjoy the waves that swept the shoreline or can also sunbathe.

In the western part of the entrance to the beach, there are mountains of rock that is quite large and elegant. Behind the rock there is a white sandy beach which is very wide.

Tired of playing the water and sunbathing, visitors can relax in the gazebo on the shore while enjoying dishes accompanied by cold drinks cool.

Coastal managers also provides a venue for groups or families, so that visitors can relax at the beach area while enjoying a night on the beach.

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