Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Klayar Beach Pacitan The Tempting To Visit

Pacitan-GRC. Klayar Beach is a beach in Pacitan is quite famous, white sandy beaches with hills around it so make the scenery was breathtaking and certainly very tempting to visit. Klayar beaches are located in districts Donorojo, Pacitan, about 40 km from the city of Pacitan.

Klayar Beach, besides having beautiful scenery is also unique in that the rock which naturally has a unique shape, but it is also a fountain of natural and flute sea, fountains natural beach Klayar This happens because the pressure waves are quite big in through rock crevice, causing muncratan and sound like a flute.

Klayar Beach have water blue sea and the waves are big enough so that visitors who want to enjoy the waves Klayar Beach should be cautious, but enjoy the white sand and waves coast Klayar, you can also enjoy the Klayar beach beautiful from the top of the hill of substations view.

Route to Klayar Beach
There are several routes to the beach Klayar that can be taken, during a trip to the beach Klayar you will pass through the winding roads up and down the hill. If you are from Yogyakarta you can take the route of Yogyakarta - Wonosari - Pracimantoro - Giribelah - Punung - Klayar Beach. In addition to its own tourists from Pacitan, Klayar Beach also frequently visited by tourists from the area outside Pacitan and including former president SBY also been here.

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