Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Anatomy or Ricikan Keris Jawa


Gambar Ricikan Keris Jawa

GRC GRC - In Javanese kris contained details of the names used to refer to parts of the keris, the names were often referred to as Ricikan Keris. The names of these ricikan can be likened to that found in human anatomy, no hands, legs, chest, shoulders, head, and so forth.
There are so many types and shapes of keris, each form and type will typically have a different name. The simpler form of a keris, it will be a little too ricikannya. Simply put keris has three parts, namely wilahan (blades), parts of marijuana and pesi. Wilahan section can be divided into three, namely pucukan (the very sharp corner), crew-crew (kris body parts) and sor-soran (bottom kris). The names part of a keris most commonly found on the sor-soran keris. This is because the motifs and ornaments kris more are at the bottom / base of the keris.
Gambar Ricikan Keris Jawa
The names on the part of a keris are:
  1. Pesi, ie stalk dagger into the grip or carving.
  2. Cannabis, which is the basis of a keris thick. Ganya can be fused or separated by the bar.
  3. Aftermath Mimi, a tapered shape at the end of marijuana.
  4. Greneng, namely Java Dha-shaped ornament (like the letter W) are lined up.
  5. Thingil, the small protrusion on grenelig or on the basis of Java letter Dha.
  6. Ri pandhan, the tapered tip shape resembles a thorn in Dha Java letter.
  7. Ron Dha, namely ornaments on Dha Java letter.
  8. Sraweyan, namely the plains modestly behind sogogwi, over marijuana.
  9. Cauliflower, shaped like onions, located in the middle of the base bar and over ga ~ qa.
  10. Pejetan, shaped like a former massage thumb is located behind gandik.
  11. Lambe Elephants, shape resembles an elephant's lips. No duplicates and Ietaknya stick to gandik.
  12. Gandik, thickening slightly rounded shape is elongated and is located above the sirah lizards or end marijuana.
  13. Kembang Kacang, resembles an elephant's trunk and is located in the upper part gandik.
  14. Jalen, resembling a rooster spurs attached gandik.
  15. Tikel eyebrows, terietak above rnirip pejetan and shape eyebrows.
  16. Leaf, form the ridge between two bribes.
  17. Bribe front, the shape of the groove and an extension of the pejetan.
  18. Bribe rear, shape groove which is located on the back.
  19. Pudhak sategal, a pair of sharpened form that came out of the bar left and right.
  20. Poyuhan, forms a thickened at the end of the bribe.
  21. Landep, which is part of the sharp keris.
  22. Gusen, located in Be! Akang landep, elongated shape of sor-soran until shoots.
  23. Milir sugar, elevated shape among Gusen and kruwingan.
  24. Kruwingan, plains terietak on the left and right-adha adha.
  25. Adha-adha, thickening in the middle of the bar from the bottom to the top sampal.

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