Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The exoticism Making Keris

KERIS1GRCLate night. A convoy of 15 men with white cloth bandage costume that keep running through the woods teak. Three men at the front carrying a jug, and some iron plates wrapped in cloth. Ten people carrying the torch in the back row.
A middle-aged man into cucuk lampah (leader sequence) are continuously sing the sekaran macapat (Javanese songs). The ambiance was so quiet, only the sound of footsteps and solemn chanting song of Java.
Dodot ira dodot ira/kumitir bedahing pinggir
dondomana jlumatana/kanggo seba mengko sore
mumpung padang rembulane/mumpung jembar kalangane
That is a ritual which is a series of processions making a dagger in Padepokan Brojobuwono in Wonosari, Karanganyar, Central Java. Previously held bancakan, that eating a variety of offerings that have been prayed for, such as rice cone, ingkung, red and white porridge, plantain, and snacks.
"This is the ritual prayer is performed each time we will start the procession of making a dagger. Similar carnival will still be held when the keris is finished, "said Teguh Basuki Yuwono, master-kris.
After the procession, the group straight into besalen (a keris). Basuki direct fire in besalen. Three male surrendered some iron plates, steel, and nickel is the main ingredient of making keris. Sparks immediately visible when iron plates inserted into the fireplace with fuel in the form of top quality teak wood charcoal. Forging process began.
"His name masuh, namely the process of cleaning the iron of their manure by means of forged repeatedly. Iron is clean when there is no more sparks, "said Basuki.
Once this process is completed, he added, the iron is ready to be forged. It takes between two to three months to complete a keris. To kris special orders can be even longer.
One artificial keris called Kyai Naga Basuki Minulyo completed within two years. Kris-making process takes a long time for special ingredients. One of them is the iron sand material taken from the slopes of Mount Merapi, mixed with iron and nickel selection.
But not always keris made from materials that complicated. He also experimented with materials rail lorries, per carriage, threaded steel bridges, and iron sand from the river in Kulon Progo.
"I want to prove that the keris nice it was not to be of a material that is expensive. The results are still quality. Keris seen shining with a clear prestige, "said Basuki.
During the first empire, the process of making a dagger held in secret and not just anyone can view. Besalen now very open to merteka who want to see the process of forging the iron until it becomes a keris.
But one thing has not changed, until now the whole process of making a dagger still be conducted with complex calculations. Basuki masters for example, still perform the ritual of fasting and praying to God until he felt got a clue when to make keris.
"Kris can not be made arbitrarily, because it involves self-pemesannya like weton (day of birth according to the calculation of Java). So keris ordered by someone to be different from one another booking kris because it involves the character of the buyer, "said Basuki.
In Solo, some besalen like Padepokan Brojobuwono, Dalem Hardjonegaran (Go Tik Swan), and belongs to the professor besalen Subandi frequented local and foreign tourists who want a close look at the process of making a dagger exotic.
The morning after the carnival simple, masters and panjak (assistant master) entered besalen. They began preparing keris making materials, such as iron where about 12 kilograms for a straight keris, or 18 kilograms for keris luk (grooved), steel about 600 grams, and prestige materials (nickel) approximately 350 grams. In ancient times, the best prestige material is meteor. But now the meteor has been very difficult to obtain.
Material prestige attached by means of two iron jaws, and then incorporated with forging resulting layers or folds berberselang alternating between iron and prestige.
For the manufacture of quality keris simple consisting of at least 128 folds. As for the quality of the required minimum number of 2,000 layers. The more folds automatically require a longer processing time.
Atmosphere besalen also looks busy. Masters and the panjak repeatedly enter the iron and nickel into the fireplace and then forge. Besalen air becomes hot. Ash flying between masters and panjak body sweat.
Once upon a time, the yellow-red iron plate gaping newly released from peperapian was immediately dipped in oil. This process is called nyepuh, namely iron hardened by sudden cooling. In this way, the iron becomes to be very strong and hard.
Later, after folding it up to hundreds or even thousands of times, making a dagger material such as iron, steel, nickel which can weigh tens of kilograms that could turn into a candidate dagger thin, lightweight, yet strong.
Kris was perfect candidate would be a keris, after going through the process of kinatah, which provide diverse ornaments on the bar with motifs of animals, plants, puppets, or rajah (mantra).
The final process of making a dagger is marangi (bring prestige), that is by putting arsenic (arsenic liquid water mixed with lemon juice) in the keris. Warangan will bring up the black coating on iron, nickel does not react so that the color is still white. The white color berbetuk specific pattern is called prestige. Price keris with good quality could reach tens of millions of rupiah and even hundreds of millions of rupiah.
Although including a stabbing weapon, but Basuki see that in ancient times the kris was made not merely to kill. Instead, keris first of all due to meet the needs of the ritual (spiritual).
"Keris as a weapon was only in the symbolic sense. Keris more as piyandel (trust and confidence). To increase confidence. Not to be worshiped or revered, "said Basuki.
According to observers from Solo kris, Ronggojati Sugiyatno, kris actually looked just like the look of puppets and batik. Because that is taken is the value of philosophy and life guidance.
"So depending on kadhewasaning Jiwa Jawi (maturity being). Someone is getting rich spiritual experience, the smarter you also understand the value of the philosophy of a dagger, "he said.
Ronggojati more see keris as the crowning achievement of wrought metal artworks bequeathed by past civilizations. Upon reaching the top, because the physical kris will find a blend of art forging, carving, sculpture, art form, as well as a symbol of art. Beyond the physical, keris is also always accompanied by the master's behavior, fasting, prayers, and rituals. (See also: Kris of Myth Becoming Art)
"Unesco recognizes the keris as a heritage or cultural heritage of the world not only because of his physical beauty, but also a complicated process of making a dagger, and the values ​​of philosophy in it," he said.
The basic principle of the keris is crease. All objects are thin much more powerful if it is made secdara bererlapis layers. This theory has been done by the ancestors of Indonesia in about the 12th century, long before the technology manufacture of plywood (plywood) recently discovered by Westerners in the early 16th century.
"I never doubted that the dagger was a crowning achievement of wrought metal artwork. One big if until now there are people who consider the kris as a heresy (mystic). Between myth (belief) and the mythical different, "Basuki said. (*)

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