Sunday, May 8, 2016


GRC - When I showed my blood test was impressed or surprised. Parameters: urea, cholesterol, blood sugar, lipids and triglycerides have more value than the normal rate. My teacher, who pointed this out, told me that with these parameters person whose blood it should be already dead. And the next thing he was afraid. That blood professor`s. auyama

Then he showed another sheet analysis in which blood parameters were normal and he says this is his blood just a month after the first test done. I saw the date on the second sheet, and he was right.

He gave me advice which I gladly took and start using the treatment. I got impressive results. I only do this treatment once a year to maintain normal levels of blood parameters. But if the blood test I started to vary a bit I went back to this treatment and begin at once.

You can do this for your health and your blood, and it's all natural. You need to buy raw pumpkin. 100 g pumpkin peel and cut into slices. Place in a blender and add water. Make smoothies this pumpkin- water. Consuming 15- 20 minutes before the usual breakfast. You need to consume on a weekly basis within one month. You need to make an analysis before and after treatment. It is a natural drink that has no side effects because only water and squash. Pumpkin clean up the arteries and removes LDL cholesterol from the arteries throughout the urine.

If you liked this article please share it with your friends and help them maintain normal blood levels.
perawatan ini dan mulai sekaligus.

Anda dapat melakukan ini untuk kesehatan Anda dan darah Anda dan itu semua alami. Anda perlu membeli labu mentah. Mengupas 100 g labu dan potong-potong. Tempatkan dalam blender dan tambahkan air. Membuat Smoothie air pumpkin- ini. Mengkonsumsi 15- 20 menit sebelum sarapan biasa. Anda perlu mengkonsumsi ini setiap minggu dalam jangka waktu satu bulan. Anda perlu membuat analisis sebelum dan setelah perawatan. Ini adalah minuman alami yang tidak memiliki efek samping karena hanya air dan labu. labu membersihkan arteri dan menghilangkan kolesterol LDL dari arteri seluruh urin.

Jika Anda menyukai artikel ini silahkan berbagi dengan teman-teman Anda dan membantu mereka mempertahankan tingkat darah normal.

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