Sunday, February 14, 2016

Development of the theory of cells and Benefits

GRC - Development of the theory of cells and Benefits - Science does not cease to be extracted, even from the old days where there are no books or equipment that encourages research. The sciences that we get in school must not be separated from research conducted in the past decade. Similarly, the theory of the cell which first revealed by a researcher in the 16th century Robert Hooke Namely conducting cell research since the 1600's and their knowledge can still be studied until now.
Beginning of the existence of the cell theory
Researcher Robert Hooke put forward the theory of the cell through a simple experiment, namely with a piece of cork. He cut a cork, and then made observations and theories about expressing cells. This is due is the empty spaces that exist between pieces of cork, and the basis for disclosure regarding cell theory. Theories about the cell was not just stop here, because then there are many other researchers who perfected the theory.
Jean Baptiste de Lamark then complete the theory of cells that expressed by Robert Hooke, namely, that every living creature has a cell. These cells are then mutually arranged and there is in liquid form, then form a living creature. The theory expressed by him and then also getting support, from Felix Durjadin. Felix Durjadin revealed that every living thing needs fluids, without which the living beings will not be able to survive.
Over time, more and more refined theories, and this time the cells expressed in the form of protoplasm by Jihanes Purkinje and renowned researcher Hugo Van Mohl. The continued development of technology makes research done easier and focused. Then provable real that recognition. Until now the cell theory led to a study that describes the shape of the cell as a whole. Cell is the smallest part of a network is able to draw the layers clearly.
Benefits of the existence of the cell theory
The existence of the cell theory evolving provides many facilities for research in various fields related to living creatures. Namely the genetic inheritance, do the crossing of living beings to obtain superior varieties, and so forth. Understanding the function of every cell in the body also helps people to pay more attention to their health.
Benefits that can be drawn from the research related to the cells in the living body is indeed very much. In addition to increasing knowledge and give you an idea become a researcher intelligent. We can get the benefits of all things associated with the cell. Ranging from how to care for plants, pets, prevent disease, and so forth. Does not rule out the possibility there will be more capable cell theory be proven empirically.

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