Friday, February 12, 2016

Enchantment The Beautiful Cave In Southeast Asia. Goa Gong Pacitan

Indonesia storing natural beauty was amazing.

With the tourist charm that offers beauty second to none in the world. For the people who live and inhabit Indonesia we should be grateful as standing guard and did not stop to explore every new thing that is offered by nature Indonesia.

From a variety of natural beauty, one of the main quite interesting is explored and explored caves. Goa has always mystery and uniqueness itself through the appearance of the mysterious and dark. Lots of caves scattered throughout the land of Indonesia, but if you asked them where the cave area has quite a lot, then the answer will probably be out is Pacitan. The nickname of a thousand and one cave, not just the usual nickname, because it is a lot of caves located in the counties located in Central Java. In Pacitan you can get to know several names like Tabuhan Cave, that can emit melodious sounds like Javanese gamelan and Kalak Cave  according to a story once used as a place for meditation of the former president Soeharto to 2 ie. With a large number of the settlement and development of tourism potential with excellent note
Menikmati Pesona Goa Terindah Di Asia Tenggara. Goa Gong Pacitan
The results of the development and structuring of a good cave in a cave called Goa Gong. Goa Gong is now known by the tourists both inside and outside as one of the most beautiful caves in Southeast Asia. Naming Goa Goang itself comes from a stone in the cave adalam when struck, it will mengluarkan sound like a traditional musical instrument gong.

The beauty of Goa Gong, Pacitan
Goa Gong is located in the village of Bomo, District Purung, Pacitan regency, Central Java is one of the main of the many beautiful caves are located in the district. Goa Gong also located not too far from an other caves are also very well known namely Goa Tabuhan. The beauty of Goa Gong has been very popular both domestically and abroad, because of its beauty even Goa Gong is established as the most beautiful cave in Southeast Asia.
The beauty of Goa Gong seen from the diverse rocks stalactites and stalagmites contained in the cave. The beauty of the cave which combined with a good arrangement of the manager made the atmosphere even more beautiful in this cave alone. With the help of the existing light and colorful, further add to the beauty of this charming cave.
Visitors also do not worry about the access point to enter the cave, because already there are stairs and guardrail that will make tourists visiting the cave feel comfortable and safe. Also be prepared to be amazed by keindahgan fence decorated with crystals inside the cave.
Heading into the bottom of the cave, you'll find a pool or a spring that was amazing. Usually the tourists who visit will come to the spring to just taste the freshness of spring in Goa Gong is very beautiful. the amount of spring in Goa Gong is actually reaching the spring 5 of which are believed to have magical value to cure various diseases that are owned by someone. The main dish of this cave is actually a large stone when struck wheezes like a musical instrument gong. The stone is also the origin of the naming of the cave into an extremely stunning.
From some of the rooms contained in Go Gong, one of the main rooms the largest of which were in the cave was once used as a venue of musical performances 4 countries. Live music is done as a form of promotion on the beauty of Goa Gong to the international scene.
To enter Goa Gong is only necessary tickets costing 7,000 rupiah. With opening hours from 9 am to 5 pm, you along with friends or family can visit and explore how the beauty of Goa Gong freely. Do not forget to buy souvenirs in the form of souvenirs are sold a lot of traders in Goa Gong tourist area, where the form of agate that is now popular again among the general public.
A wide variety of facilities already available in the surrounding area of ​​this travel as a prayer room, a restaurant, to the toilet. Everything is there to provide comfort to the visitors while it is traveled around the area of ​​Goa Gong.

Towards Goa Gong
With a good arrangement and the local government's awareness of the potential of tourism is owned by the mode of transport and public transport, as well as their facilities can already be quite good. As for transportation that you can use in order to visit the beautiful Gong Go is as follows.
With the initial point of departure of Pacitan then you have to drive to the west as far as 37 kilometers past Pringkuku towards Punung. From there you stay toward the attractions of Goa Gong is located in the village of Bomo.

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