Friday, February 19, 2016

Microorganisms / Microbes

GRC - What the heck Microbiology ?? Microbiology is derived from three words, namely:
Micro: too small to be seen with the naked eye
Bio: Life
Logy: science.
So, literally Microbiology can be defined as a study of the organism's life or the life of the very small. Microbiology science began to be known when the two researchers sparked the idea. namely:
Robert Hooke (1665) which says that "living things are composed by a small box or cell" and then he introduced the term cell and the cell theory which says that all of life is made up of cells.
Anthony van Leeuwenhoek (1673) the first observation of microbes living in the teeth, rainwater, and water immersion peppercorn.
Which is the object in Microbiology is the science of microbes
The microorganism or microbe is an organism that are so small that observed instrumentally bantuan.Mikroorganisme mikroskopik.Mikroorganisme often referred to as single-celled organisms (unicellular) or multicellular (multicellular). However, some single-celled protists are still visible to the naked eye, and there are some multicellular species are not visible naked eye. Viruses are also included in the microorganism although there are mobile.
The study of the microorganisms is called microbiology. People who work in this field is called a microbiologist.

Microbes or also known as micro-organisms, microorganisms, or germs is a living organism that is very small. Microbes have advantages and disadvantages for the surrounding environment. namely:

  • Able to describe the waste organic
  • Producer in the ecosystem through photosynthesis
  • Industry compounds sort of ethyl alcohol and acetone
  • Fermented foods such as vinegar, cheese, and bread
  • Products used in the process industry for example cellulases and in the field of medicine such as insulin.
  • However, Some of which are pathogens that can cause disease.
By knowing and learning about microbes, humans can gain some benefit. As:
  • Can Allows humans to prevent food spoilage,
  • Prevent The occurrence of the disease
  • and Also provide knowledge of aseptic techniques to prevent contamination in the treatment process as well as when working in microbiology laboratory.

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