Monday, February 15, 2016

Lake Tourist Charm Ngebel

GRC - Lake Ngebel has an area of ​​about 5 KM and has a temperature of about 20-26 degrees Celsius and Lake Ngebel would be crowded if we came there at the time of holidays and during the holiday of Eid, Lake Ngebel is a major tourist destination located in Ponorogo.
Telaga Ngebel (1)

Objek Wisata Telaga Ngebel Ponorogo dalam untaian Sejarah

Attractions Lake Ngebel not be separated from a story who is associated with the formation of the lake, in the story mentions the existence of a snake named NEW KLINTING, the snake is the incarnation Patih Bantaran wind.
Patih Bantaran Wind meditating with tangible snake and someone accidentally brought the snake jelmaaan Patih into the village, when it got to the village, the snake turned into a little boy.
The child made a contest with a rod stuck a stick and told villagers to revoke the trunk but no one can pull it out and that could take just a little boy who stuck before, the hole appeared stagnant water sources until formed into a lake.
Telaga Ngebel Ponorogo 1
Telaga Ngebel Ponorogo 1
Perhaps that is so the problem today is the road to get there, although many directions to get to attractions Lake Ngebel, but there are some roads that have been damaged because many truck passage sand miners and hopefully this is a serious concern for Regency Ponorogo, If you want to develop Objects Lake Ngebel travel could improve the facility is not feasible.

Route towards Lake Ngebel Attractions are very easy to reach, even though there is public transportation that leads there but it would be delicious if there use Car / Motorcycle Personal. from the direction of the town of Ponorogo we could toward the east route Kota Ponorogo, Jenangan, Ngebel and we could see that a lot Indicator boards installed on the highway and will not be hard headed attractions Lake Ngebel. and also can route Madiun, Dolopo, Ngebel.

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