Monday, February 1, 2016

Benefits Soursop Leaf

manfaat daun sirsak

GRC - Benefits Soursop Leaf. Leaf Leaf soursop has many benefits, what I mean here the benefits of soursop leaves for health. It is very important to note in view of the soursop leaves a lot of us have encountered in Indonesia fertile earth, so let's not waste the abundant natural resources around us. All right, back on topic, Benefits of soursop leaves are already widely known which can be used to treat cancer. But there are many more benefits other soursop leaves. Here are the various benefits of soursop leaves :

Benefits of soursop leaves as fever medicine has been proven and long used in various countries such as Haiti, Jamaica and the West Indies. According to Raintree Nutrition's Tropical Plant Database, soursop leaves along with soursop fruit juice can help the body temperature down (reduce fever). In the culture of Peru, a tea made from the leaves of the soursop reported to help relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes and can relieve fever.

Benefits of Soursop Leaf At Digestive
South America and the Caribbean have a culture of treating diseases such as diarrhea and dysentery with soursop fruit, soursop leaf while reportedly help kill the tapeworm parasite in the gastrointestinal tract. Fruit juice / soursop leaf is also thought to help rid the body of parasites and harmful toxins.

Soursop Leaves To Treat Cancer
Although there is no scientific evidence supporting the benefits of soursop leaves can cure cancer, but many herbalists believe that the soursop leaves have the potential to kill cancer cells. There is no particular cancer drug made from soursop leaves, but the leaves of the soursop is usually used as a supplement for cancer therapy.

Overcoming Depression with Soursop Leaf
Some herbalists believe alkaloids in the leaves of the soursop can reduce symptoms of depression by inhibiting serotonin in the brain. Your brain serotonin in regulating mood (mood) and emotions, such as happiness and sadness. Research on alkaloids showed that the chemical compound can actually cause adverse effects on the nervous system and lead to Parkinson's disease, according to

Benefits of Soursop Leaf as Tranquilizers
A culture of South America and the Caribbean using soursop leaves, as well as plant roots and tree bark soursop as a sedative. Soursop leaf is also used to treat heart problems. The precise effects, or side effects of such uses are not known with certainty, and no reputable scientific studies that have been done that can support this.

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