Sunday, February 14, 2016

Tourism Object Gedong Songo Temple

GRC - Gedong Songo Temple is a tourist place situated in the hamlet Darum, Candi Village, District Bandungan, Semarang regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Gedong Songo became one of the sights very visited by tourists, both local and international tourists. As the name implies, Gedong Songo, which means there are nine buildings in the complex of temples scattered nature tourism area is so vast and fascinating.
Sejarah Candi Gedong Songo
Gedong Songo Temple is located on the slopes of Mount Ungaran south with a height of about 1,200 m above sea level so the air temperature in the tourist area is quite cold (ranging between 19-27 ° C). The atmosphere is cool mountain air and free from air pollution will make pengelaman for visitors who love the beauty of nature.
Besides Gedong Songo is the natural attractions is also one of historical sights in Semarang district must-visit when you're on vacation or sightseeing in tourist areas Bandungan.
The location between the temples of the other temples that are not adjacent so it takes extra energy to a distance of hundreds of meters to be able to see the whole temples there. But do not worry, though panting breath should be easily remedied with fresh air even natural beauty which can sometimes look closely at the cold fog that descends from the top of the mountain.
Wisata Alam Cndi Gedong Songo
In this temple tourist complex there is also a place to rest while flush even a shower with warm water. Precisely among the temple buildings 3 and 4 of the building of the temple, there is a mountain kepunden with hot springs, which contained relatively high levels of sulfur. As information, that with a flush or shower with warm water containing sulfur can treat itching and other skin diseases.
Pemandian Air Panas Gedong Songo

History of Gedong Songo Temple

Gedong Songo Temple was first discovered by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles in 1740 AD And at that Raffles found 7 pieces of the temple so that he renamed it the Gedong Pitu, the meaning of "pitu" in Indonesian is seven.
The mention of Gedong Pitu last a long time yearly up to a thousand more. And in the year 1908 - 1911 an archaeologist from the Dutch Van Stein Callenfels back doing research again on Pitu Gedong temple complex. In a period of three annual Callenfels find again two other temples located not far from the temples that have previously been found to Raffles for a total totality of the temple were found to be 9 units. With the discovery of two other temples have the name changed into Pitu Gedong Gedong Songo.

The restoration of Gedong I and Gedong II conducted in 1928 - 1929. Meanwhile, the Indonesian government in 1972-1982 renovate the buildings total Gedong Songo. Even the restoration of the tourist area done up to this point so getting looks beautiful and tidy but without changing the structure of the temple buildings were there.
According to research that Gedong Songo is the building of Hindu cultural heritage of the Sailendra dynasty era of the 9th century (year 927 AD).

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