Sunday, February 14, 2016

How to Eliminate Stubborn Acne Naturally

GRC - How to Eliminate Stubborn Acne Naturally - In this occasion will little review on how to get rid of acne. perhaps for some people is almost 99%, have a clean face is keinginnya but when they are small objects such as acne everything will be different taste. for those of you who already have these snares the following tips that can tone do to get rid of acne naturally.

1. Aloe vera.

Aloe vera is very effective in treating acne, easy way to use aloe vera skin is by applying aloe vera gel contains many pimpled face. required provision of gel on the face is done regularly, suggested nauan done in the morning and afternoon with the goal of acne agent will dry quickly and stripping occurs.

2. The egg white

Already popular belief menjadirahasia egg whites are very many benefits and usefulness for beauty. egg whites are also in the know were able to get rid of acne stubborn. manner as masjer used before bedtime.

Ways of usage. The first step to clean the face, then take the eggs and separate the yolk from the white witchcraft, rubbed on the face evenly. required to wait for 10-to 15 minutes, then when your face with clean water.

3. Garlic

As well as egg white garlic is also very helpful, but usually bigger health utuk used for immunity tubut. in addition to immune function can also be used to get rid of acne, how puree garlic to taste, then stay smeared on the acne, the time required for this is 10 minutes then rinse with clean water.

4. Papaya

Now if the papaya is used for acne that big that the purpose mengempeskan acne. how to take papaya Yag old then drying. the next step is squeezed papaya leaves by giving a little water and then take the juice then spread to the face with acne.

5. Tomatoes

How to use tomatoes as acne removal is a very easy way to do, namely with sliced ​​tomatoes and slices placed on the face that have acne do this routine for 30 minutes each day.

6. Corn

Sebenanrnya this way is the old way could possibly do at home, how easy. please take corn and washed. then please shredded corn until smooth. the results of the grater or pulp can be made as a natural facial mask, sednagkan time maybe you can do that 10 hhingga 15 minutes, doing it this way regularly until your acne is completely gone.

7. Toothpaste

Maybe for some people a bit strange to think tentag use toothpaste to get rid of acne, but in essence apsta teeth will mengempeskan akanmengeringkan acne and pimples because asta gear is hot so as to make the acne to dry. how pretty smeared toothpaste on the pimple section.

8. Lime

Ynag many benefits can be obtained from citrus fruit juice, for more info you can read and Efficacy Benefits of Citrus Fruits For Health .. lemon are known to have high antioxidant that are high enough to eliminate germs that stick to the skin that cause acne. how you can directly cut the lemon and paste them directly, but you can also extorted and added with honey then apply on the acne contained.

How ? Are you still upset with acne who are in your face, for the use of the above materials do not dgunakan in once gus, cooba you want to use the focus where in eliminating acne. Thank you for reading this article on the theme How to Eliminate Acne Naturally stubborn. good luck..

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