Monday, March 21, 2016

Bananas For Health Benefits Up Beauty Skin

GRC - In addition to dragon fruit, bananas can also be entered into the daily menu as a complement bauh fruits. Because the banana is one fruit that has many benefits and benefits for our bodies. In addition to good health, you can also use a banana as a skin treatment to make it more beautiful and healthy.
There are a lot of various types of bananas scattered in various parts of Indonesia. But in general, the benefits and efficacy of bananas is almost the same. You can just look ripe bananas to immediately consumed directly or used as fresh juice. Here are some benefits of bananas that you can get.

Manfaat Pisang

Can improve brain health
Bananas can improve comprehension and concentration of the brain in a way routinely and regularly consume three times a day as a dessert.

Can be used to treat bowel disease and abdominal
Bananas mengandungan vitamin C that can be useful as a defense inflammation. The trick is to take a banana after it mix with milk as an ingredient to treat bowel disease. In addition, the high fiber content in this fruit can maintain and restore intestinal health.

For circulation
In addition to vitamin C, bananas are also mengandungan potassium and potassium which serves to help the circulation of the body, so that the circulation of oxygen to the brain to be smooth. Potassium can also help expedite the heart rate, reduce the risk of stroke and regulate normal blood pressure.

To expedite your appetite
You can consume two bananas mixed with a tablespoon of honey to increase appetite.

Fruit linings can be used as a power source
If feeling tired and exhausted to attack due to a day of work, the bananas can be a solution. Sugar content contained in bananas can be easily digested and converted into energy sources.

To help cope with diabetes
For diabetics, can use the typical banana Gorontalo (North Sulawesi) Goroho steamed then mixed with grated young coconut as supplementary diet for diabetics.

To petrified weight loss program
For those of you who run the program banana diet can add menus to help you lose weight. by eating four bananas and four glasses of non-fat milk or milk can with every day at least 3 days a week, will help you lose weight. Only 1250 calories and the menu is fit and quite healthy.

Can help heal burns
To cope with minor burns, you can use one part of the banana plant. Do I take the ashes of banana leaves then add the coconut oil. After that, apply on the affected skin burns.

Can treat mosquito bites
The way is easy, just take a bit of a banana skin in the skin and then rub on bentolan former being bitten by mosquitoes. How is believed to reduce the itching and red mosquito bite.

Can overcome anemia
Banana contains high iron so good for patients with anemia. Quite eating two bananas every day routinely and regularly.

Can help reduce menstrual pain
Bananas nevertheless mengandungan Vitamin B6 is high enough so that it can help reduce blood sugar levels that can damage your mood and cause painful menstruation.

In addition to good health, bananas are also great for daily skin care. Among them is to soften the skin, exfoliate dead skin, and enlighten him.

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