Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Easy and Cheap Acne Cope With Traditional Medicine

GRC - Ever thought by you, why do not you grow facial acne? or even filled with acne. Surely you had no confidence and find ways to eliminate them. Acne is not a very big problem in your life, but for some people who care about their appearance it will be a big problem in his life. Acne problems commonly faced by many teens. But, dewasapun people who have oily skin or skin conditions that have big pores may develop acne is because the skin is porous oily will cause the oil glands can not come out perfectly.

There are some women menstruate or when it will come months or even thereafter will grow acne. Handle acne prone skin should not be with the maintenance or the drugs are expensive. I have some tips to deal with acne in a natural way and not expensive of course, used a material that is easily obtained.

Turmeric Acid
Many people believe that turmeric acid can soften and improve skin health conditions because in turmeric contains curcuminoid that play a role in improving metabolism and tissue in the body, including the skin. Provide turmeric, wash clean kemudain until finely ground. Well, the collisions turmeric that apply on the acne, let stand up overnight and wash off in the morning, this method can be effective if you do it regularly every day but from the use of turmeric will cause scars yellow upfront you, and this will definitely make you feel comfortable is not it? Well below are other alternatives to traditional medicine treat acne

Betel leaf
Betel leaves can be used as an alternative medicine in addition to turmeric trdisional, because in betel leaves contain an antiseptic to dry up acne that is inflamed. It's easy once, betel leaves have been washed finely ground and mix with water and filtered or squeezed. Dregs leaves you can use a mask at night while airperasannya you can use to wash your face in the morning. Or if you find it a hassle to grind you can boil the betel leaf, betel leaf boiled water than can apply on your face with acne area.

With the use of routinely and regularly, your acne will dry up and disappear. Use regularly so the results more perfect. Good luck.

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