Monday, March 28, 2016

Natural beauty Mountains in Bromo Never Make Bored

GRC - Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park has become an icon of tourism in East Java. Very many local and foreign traveler who came to Bromo, especially on weekends, to enjoy the natural beauty of the mountains Bromo very intriguing. They flocked to the Bromo to enjoy each of the attractions there. Even if a traveler had ever come to Bromo though will never be bored looking at her beauty. Then, there was anything interesting objects in Bromo?
To get to Bromo there are several entrances. One entrance commonly used by traveler is Cemoro Lawang (Sukapura) situated on the side of Probolinggo. The consideration is very simple ... Access road to Cemoro Lawang to say the easiest and most good. Public transportation to Cemoro Lawang of Probolinggo also quite a lot, even available until late afternoon. Moreover, in Cemoro Lawang is already widely available accommodation from simple lodging at reasonable cost up to class five-star hotel accommodation. The traveler who wants to Bromo to use public transport can take the bus from Surabaya Probolinggo goal, then replace the shuttles from Probolinggo Bromo goal. Public transport from Probolinggo to Bromo is generally in the form of ELF.
Traveler highly recommended to Cemoro Lawang in the late afternoon or evening. After arriving in Lawang Cemoro can rest at the inn. Well why not until the afternoon or mornings only? Yes okay really come in the morning or afternoon. However, one of the main menu when traveling to see the sunrise at Bromo is the highlight Penanjakan. To go Penanjakan and around to the various tourist spots in Bromo, a traveler can use two alternate transportation, the hardtop or motorcycle. Which one to choose? Yes depends on the number of groups and funds. If traveling a crowd does not hurt to hire a car or Jeep Hardtop with around Rp 500,000 to Rp 600,000. If traveling alone could use a motorcycle taxi service with rates ranging from Rp 100,000 to Rp 150,000. Smart to just negotiate with the service providers. Hardtop alone but want to ride? It could be really, just look for service providers hardtop with sharing system. Usually Hardtop with this sharing system to bill US $ 100,000 per person.
Tourism in Bromo is indeed very unique know traveler. Crowds at Bromo already noticeable since 03.00 am today because the traveler is already getting ready to go to Penanjakan. The air is very cold and drowsiness may make some reluctant traveler. But you should still not to late to get up let me not lose the moment look very beautiful sunrise. From Cemoro Lawang, the sky was still dark when the Hardtop and the motor group has been working hard towards Penanjakan through the sea of ​​sand, further rise towards Penanjakan road conditions were very challenging, with climbs and corners extremes. Bangeett will be exciting !! Well, if you've got Penanjakan just waiting on a stage that is provided to view the sunrise. Where else can you watch the sunrise complete with a view of Mount Bromo, Mount Batok and Mount Semeru in one frame if not in Penanjakan? Very pretty sure !!
Already satisfied meliaht sunrise? A traveler can go down from Penanjakan headed to the region of Mount Bromo and Mount Batok. Do not forget, in all the way down the many beautiful spots to take pictures. Do not hesitate to ask the driver hardtop or motorcycle taxi drivers paused at the photo spot is considered attractive. When you get in the region of Mount Bromo and Mount Batok, a traveler can take pictures with the background of Mount Batok very iconic, horseback riding, to climb to the summit crater of Mount Bromo. Despite its title climb, but climb to Mount Bromo was not difficult. Simply by climbing several hundred stairs really.
Quite up there alone? Surely not ... Traveler dong can still visit other objects located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Two of them are Berbisik and Padang Pasir Savana. Whispering sand is actually a sea of ​​sand, but it often happens fairly strong winds, causing sound like a whisper. While Padang Savana is the greenest places located around Mount Bromo, grassland very pretty. These two objects is complementary to the sunrise at the crater of Mount Bromo Penanjakan and highly to be missed.

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