Sunday, March 6, 2016

Natural Healthy Diet Recipes

GRC - Natural Healthy Diet Recipes - Hello GRC mania wherever you are, on this occasion I will try the theme of prescription diet. In the discussion this time I devoted to discuss in detail how a natural diet and fast to gain weight, slim and ideal. To get a slim body weight would diet and food intake should be maintained. Well this time the GRC will share tips on a healthy diet with sharing recipes healthy diet or a diet menu recipes rather quickly.

Talking about healthy diet recipes, recipes, diet and recipes for fast natural diet. The thing to note is to maintain food intake in the body so it does not cause our body fat and fat. Because basically the recipe natural diet alone can answer your solution for fast and natural diet. Let us just on the discussion of the first:

Prescription diet menu is divided into several parts: At week 1 through week 3 then we have a diet with a diet low carbohydrate diet. At week 4 of our diet diet changed again into a normal diet carbohydrate diet. Well, after the division of the two earlier diet eating patterns, I will divide it into several parts by time or intensity as diet eat breakfast, eat a diet lunch, supper, and dinner.
Diet Food Recipes

Week 1 to week 3: Diet Low Carbohydrate Diet

Eating a diet recipe Morning: Should during breakfast or eat this morning you try to eat one boiled egg or omelet eggs can also be combined with wheat or oatmeal as much as 1 cup. To drink 1 cup of milk high in protein but low fat and sugar. You could be interspersed with a snack in the morning with 2 to 3 tofu / tempeh, for his just 1 apple or orange only.

Prescription Diet Eating Lunch: For lunch the next during the lunch hour has arrived should try heavy foods such as brown rice or with a significant portion 9 tablespoon. To lauknya ie 150 grams of chicken meat, or if you do not like can be replaced with beef or fish, all of which would have to be lean. Do not forget to feed it well enough vegetables with half a bowl alone.

Afternoon snack: On the afternoon of the week to 1 to 3 have no supper, but its successor, and afternoon snacks enough ddengan take 1 piece of grilled meat or fish. If you do not like 1- 2 tofu is okay too tuh.

Prescription Diet Eat Night: For dinner recipe diet menu next is 200 g chicken breast or fish can also be replaced with beef without the fat if you do not like, but with a fixed portion that is just 200 grams only. Now for our snack in the evening you can take a high milk protein (whey protein) but remains low fat and sugar.

Into Week 4: Normal Carbohydrate Diet Diet

Recipes Eat Diet Morning: For the week of the 4th of this meal is started normally with a certain dose, for example only in the morning you have breakfast one egg omelets can also boiled eggs, then 2 whole wheat bread or 1 cup of oatmeal and add high-protein milk is low in fat and low gula.Untuk our snack only 3 pieces of tempe or tofu include also ate one apple citrus atu.

Prescription Diet Eating Lunch: For lunch the day of course eat a heavy meal, but the portions are controlled such as brown rice or brown rice as much as 16 tablespoons to side dishes as much as 150 grams of chicken breast saja.Jangan forget the vegetables, because the greens are very many benefits, especially for you are often constipated. For snacks during the day does not exist, right at lunch was eating a heavy meal.

Diet Snacks Afternoon: On an evening activity you should fill your stomach with 1 slice of whole grain bread and 1/2 cup oatmel alone is enough for a quick diet.

Prescription Diet Eat Night: At dinner should be set so that you eat dinner two hours before you sleep. This is to avoid the occurrence of acid reflux direct result of eating sleeping. Prescription diet that you should serve as night was chicken or fish can also be non-fat beef as much as 100 grams. To use the rice brown rice with a share of 8 to 9 tablespoon. Well your evening snack enough to drink milk with a high protein low fat and low sugar, and 1 apple or orange.

Okay friend Fater GRC mania wherever you are, it was a few tips on diet, particularly healthy diet recipes, diet recipes, diet recipes, diet recipes, diet recipes quickly, and also natural diet recipes that I can convey to you all. Well, thank you've read an article titled Natural Healthy Diet Recipes may be useful.

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