Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Lime and Honey to Overcome Bad Breath

GRC - Bad breath is a common problem that often happens in our society. This of course can disrupt our interactions with others. Bad breath can disrupt relationships and reduces a person's self-confidence. In addition, long-term result will disrupt the overall oral health, and will easily suffer from infections in the mouth and toothache
Some of the causes of bad breath are most prevalent among them, their teeth are rotten and hollow, so that leftovers will easily clog the cavities, resulting in a buildup of mildew, bacteria, satau leftover food stuck to the surface of the tongue. In general, it causes the surface of the tongue looks white or yellowish patches. In addition, the food was tucked because wisdom teeth are angled position becomes difficult to remove and may decay by bacteria in the mouth. The result is bad odor.

Traditional medicinal plants or herbs that effectively eliminate bad breath are less savory lime or lemon. The content of lime is not a secret anymore as vitamin C is high when compared with other citrus fruits. content of 100 grams of lime of which 0.9 grams of protein, 51 cal calories, 0.2 g fat, 11.4 g carbohydrates, 33 mg calcium, 0.5 grams of minerals, 23 mg phosphorus, 49 mg arkorbat acid, and 0 , 4 mg iron. Oranges nipsi also contain amino acid (tryptophan, lysine), citric acid, essential oils (citral, felandren, lemon camphor, limonene, kadinen, Gerani lasetat, aktilkaldehid, nildehid), resins, glycosides, linali-acetic acid sitrum, Vitamin B-1 and C.

Here's how to mix traditional medicinal plants to eliminate bad breath interfere with your social circle.

Material :

Lemon to taste.
Original Honey to taste

How to make potions:
  1. Wash thoroughly, then cut into 2 parts lime.
  2. Squeeze the lemon slices, and then take the juice.
  3. Mix the lemon juice with sweet masu sufficiently to relieve the strong acid.
  4. The herb is formulated for administration once.
  5. This traditional herb drink 3 times a day so that your bad breath is permane

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