Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Benefits of Bananas and Papaya Fruit For Health

GRC - Benefits of Bananas and Papaya Fruit For Health, Eating fruit is a fun and healthy habits. There are so many benefits that can be derived from the consumption of fruit each day. One of the most widely consumed fruit is fruit Papaya and bananas, banana and papaya is a fruit that is very popular, and many people consume because of its unique taste and Favors.
Although Banana and Papaya very popular, many who do not know what benefit this papaya fruit. Here are some of the benefits of which can be obtained when consuming papaya and banana
Manfaat Buah Pisang Dan Buah Pepaya

Benefits of Bananas and Papaya For Health

Rich in Antioxidants
Papaya is a fruit that has a high content of antioxidants. These include vitamin C, flavonoids, folate, vitamin A, panthotenic acids, minerals, magnesium, vitamin E, potassium, fiber and vitamin B. Antioxidants combat free radicals in the body and maintain a healthy cardiovascular system and provide protection against colon cancer.
Preventing Heart Disease
Because papaya is an excellent source of antioxidants, papaya help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the liver. High cholesterol can lead to heart attack and stroke, and this can be prevented by consuming papaya fruit regularly. In addition one of the papaya fruit is also loaded in fiber which can then help reduce levels of cholesterol in the liver. Folic acid found in papaya removes harmful substances that can damage blood vessel walls and cause heart attacks. One of the other benefits of papaya fruit that is as the prevention of heart disease diabetes.
Strengthen the immune system
Papaya fruit contains a lot of vitamin A and vitamin B are needed to boost the immune system and. By consuming papaya fruit is believed to strengthen the immune system and prevent some of the diseases that occur as a result of lowered immunity, such as colds and coughs, infections and flu.
Reduce Inflammation
Papaya also contains the enzyme papain and chymopapain enzymes that can mengurangu inflammation that assist the body in healing of burns and other wounds. Some specific disease becomes worse when the body become inflamed. So it is suggested that people who suffer from this condition should consume papaya fruit to get the benefits of papaya fruit.
Preventing cancer
Benefits of papaya fruit is no less important role in preventing colon cancer. It can not be separated because of the fiber content. These fibers are also very useful for those who have difficulty defecating.
Maintaining the health of the lungs
Vitamin A is present in papaya, is very useful for people who have weak lungs. Include papaya in their diet, will reduce their chances of contracting diseases that occur as a result of weak lungs, such as bronchitis, cancer Ext.
Benefits Bananas For Body
Bananas are rich in vitamins and fiber had more than double the carbohydrate and five times the vitamin A than apples known as fruit antidote doctor visits. Bananas are also rich in potassium.
A source of energy by eating two bananas a day, can increase endurance and increase energy while performing daily activities.
Oxygenating otakKarena rich in potassium, bananas helps the circulation of oxygen to the brain and also prevents high blood pressure and stroke.
CHAPTER launched those who often experience difficulty defecating, Eat bananas. It helps mengembalikkan the smooth disposal of the body.
Bananas help improve mood meningatkan mood so stable and continued positive mood throughout the day.
Reduce menstrual pain For women who often experience pain during menstruation, do not need to take drugs or substances harmful to the body. Only with this fruit, cramps in the abdomen and pain in the abdomen can be reduced
Overcoming maagKetika late to eat and have started a painful stomach, eat a banana and the pain of heartburn will be reduced because the banana has a substance known antidote acid in the body.
Relieve itching due to mosquito bite is very disturbing mosquito bites and the itching can be lost when the banana peel is applied slowly to the areas affected by mosquito bites.
Well, after knowing the benefits and content of papaya and banana Do you still hesitate to consume papaya?

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