Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Places in Japan Mandatory Visited

Fujiko F. Fujio Museum
GRC - Who does not know Japanese? Sakura country has managed to become one of the developed countries in Asia and even the world. The resulting product of this country is no stranger to use in everyday life, namely motorcycles, cars and a wide range of electronic devices.
Not only advanced in technology and the economy, Japan also continued to increase prominence in the field of tourism. Many foreign tourists who chose Japan as a tourist destination including Indonesia. Well, for you are also planning a vacation to Japan, see reviews 5 popular tourist attractions in the State Sakura following:
1. Tokyo Disneyland
Tokyo Disneyland
Tokyo Disneyland
No different from the concept of Disneyland in some other countries, Tokyo Disneyland also presents a concept of the Disney theme parks. Here, you can see a variety of games with the theme of the films produced by Walt Disney.
These attractions are Disneyland first built outside the United States and officially opened in 1983. Tokyo Disneyland is divided into seven main areas, namely the World Bazaar, Tomorrowland, Toontown, Adventureland, Westernland, Critter Country and Fantasyland. Each of these zones has its own characteristics.
For those of you who bring children, Toontown is the right zone. Here, children can get into the city the Disney cartoon. They can visit the house of Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck playing in the boat. For shopping, you can go to the World Bazaar. Zones are located at the entrance is suitable for you fans of great shopping and dining. The building was designed to resemble the United States in the early 20th century.
2. Tokyo Disneysea
Tokyo Disneysea
Tokyo Disneysea
Still under the same umbrella with Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo Disneysea also a recreational park themed Disney characters. If Disneyland rides favor its ground travel, Disneysea is the concept of water.
Tokyo Disneysea more target visitors adolescence to adulthood. But this does not mean that small children are banned. You can still visit with family and enjoy the fun holiday in this tourist spot.
Tokyo Disneysea divided into seven main zones include: Meditteranean Harbor, Mysterious Island, Mermaid Lagoon, Arabian Coast, Lost River Delta, Port Discovery and American Waterfront. One of the most interesting is the Mediterranean Harbor, Here, you will be invited to tour with using some kind of gondola in Venice, Italy. For those who like adventure, try going to the Arabian Coast. Sinbad will take you exploring the palace and the surrounding sea.
3. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial
Hiroshima Peace Memorial
Hiroshima Peace Memorial
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is an area that is localized to commemorate the tragedy of the atomic bomb that rocked the city of Hiroshima in 1945. Prior destroyed by the atomic bomb, Hiroshima is the central business district and city politics. It is also likely to make it a target of the operation at the time.
Today, the park area of ​​120,000 square meters have become incredibly contrasting in Hiroshima. Spacious garden surrounded by high rise building has become one of the favorite locations of local people to spend a holiday. Here, you can still see remnants of buildings that are still standing after the battered bombs, one of which is the A-Bomb Dome.
Every year on August 6, promptly at 8:16, do a memorial service here. This commemoration began with a moment of silence and speech. In addition to local residents, there are many foreign tourists also come and join in this commemoration.
4. Fujiko F. Fujio Museum
Fujiko F. Fujio Museum
Fujiko F. Fujio Museum
You a fan of cartoon character Doraemon? Doraemon is already familiar to fans of the comic and cartoon series. Fat cat robot future of this blue a favorite of many children and adults.
Not only can see in comics and TV, you can also visit and touch Doraemon in Fujiko F. Fujio Museum. Inside the museum, there is a kind of diorama in which a statue of Doraemon and his friends posing in a room that has been very famliar for pecintanya as Nobita room and playing field with three big pipes. Besides Doraemon, the museum also displays other characters work of Fujiko F. Fujio, ie P Man.
Being around, you can taste a typical menu at this tourist spot. The food menu at the restaurant is also the theme of Doraemon. You can order a cake dorayaki and a variety of other foods that are decorated with Doraemon's face.
5. Yokohama Raumen Museum
Yokohama Raumen Museum
Yokohama Raumen Museum
What typical Japanese culinary one was your favorite? The answer may vary because a lot of the typical cuisine of Japan is super delicious. One of the culinary got a lot of fans are ramen. Now, fans can come to Yokohama Ramen Museum Raumen.
Yokohama Raumen Museum, better known by Ramen Museum will take you not only enjoy delicious ramen processed trained chef, but also about the history of ramen in Japan. Here, there is a special room that contains information about the history and development of ramen.
In the other room, you will enter a replica of Shitamachi city, the city that became the forerunner to the popularity of ramen in Japan. In addition, there are nine restaurants serving typical ramen from various regions in Japan. For those of you who want to taste everything, but fear too full. You can select a mini ramen although smaller portions but did not detract in the slightest delicacy.

Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere Memang Menggoda Banget

GRC - Di Indonesia, Yamaha memang hanya memiliki satu lineup motor dual sport, itupun harganya tergolong sangat mahal, yaitu Yamaha WR250R. Namun, di pasar internasional khususnya Brazil, Yamaha memiliki begitu banyak motor dual sport, salah satunya yang amat sangat menggoda adalah Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere. Memang apa yang membuat Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere begitu menggoda?
Pertama masalah desain mas bro… Sebagai motor dual sport, desain Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere ini bisa dikatakan nggak pasaran. Desain Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere nggak bergaya seperti motor enduro yang khas dengan tangki kecil, jok sempit, hingga lekuk-lekuk body yang meruncing, melainkan mirip seperti kakaknya yang berkapasitas lebih besar, Yamaha XT660Z Tenere. Desain Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere yang seperti sekarang ini sebenarnya sudah cukup lama dan nggak tersentuh refreshment, namun tetap terlihat menarik dan nggak membosankan mas bro!
Walaupun desainnya nggak seperti motor dual sport kebanyakan, Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere tetaplah motor dual sport, tapi mampu memberikan tingkat kenyamanan yang lebih baik terutama untuk perjalanan jarak jauh. Nggak percaya? Coba lihat saja motor ini memiliki tangki bahan bakar yang besar dan menggelembung dengan kapasitas mencapai 16 liter. Bandingkan deh dengan motor dual sport konvensional yang desainnya seperti motor enduro atau motocross, rata-rata hanya punya kapasitas bahan bakar 6-9 liter saja. Kemudian beralih ke bagian jok… Desain jok yang dimiliki oleh Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere ini tergolong lebar yang disertai lengkungan seperti layaknya naked sport konvensional. Jok seperti ini sudah bisa dipastikan nyaman digunakan untuk perjalanan jauh, baik itu untuk rider maupun boncenger. Tidak lupa Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere punya shroud besar menyerupai fairing dan windshield tinggi seperti motor yang digunakan pada balap Rally Dakar!
Lalu, apa lagi yang menarik dari Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere? Nggak perlu neko-neko mas bro, mesinnya! Yupz, mesin Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere itu identik dengan mesin Yamaha Scorpio 225 yang dulu pernah beredar di Indonesia. Mesin sederhana dengan kapasitas 249 cc SOHC, 4-stroke, 2-valve, dan berpendingin oli ini mampu mengeluarkan tenaga yang sangat lumayan, mencapai 21 HP/7.500 rpm dan torsi sebesar 21 Nm/6.500 rpm. Mesin tersebut dihubungkan ke roda dengan transmisi manual 5-percepatan.
Dengan karakteristik desain dan mesin seperti itu, rasanya Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere nggak cuma cocok dipasarkan di Brazil mas bro, tapi juga di Indonesia. Mau dipakai di perkotaan, jalan jarak jauh, hingga menghajar track off road di pegunungan, spesifikasi Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere sudah lebih dari cukup kalau dihadapkan pada kondisi geografis di Indonesia. Mesin Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere yang sederhana juga membuat perawatannya nggak ribet dan relatif murah. Apalagi Yamaha Brazil mengembangkan Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere dengan filosofi sebagai motor yang bisa digunakan sebagai kendaraan harian, untuk perjalanan dan wisata, yang menawarkan kenyamanan, murah, dan memiliki kualitas yang bagus dalam melibas kondisi medan off road, namun tetap nyaman digunakan di jalan aspal. Menarik banget kalau Yamaha XTZ 250 Tenere diproduksi dan dipasarkan di Indonesia. Dibandrol Rp 50 jutaan pun saya rela deh merogoh kocek untuk membeli motor ini!





Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Honda CBR250RR Dijual Lebih Murah dari Kawasaki Ninja 250 ?????

Konsep Honda CBR250RR
Konsep Honda CBR250RR
GRC – Mustahil harga Honda CBR250RR lebih murah dari Kawasaki Ninja 250? Itu mungkin ada benarnya, walau ini hanya sekedar opini. Tapi ini bukan opini sembarangan. Sebab rumor hangat yang bermunculan sejak dulu mengisyaratkan kalau sportbike dua-silinder itu akan mengusung fitur-fitur yang sangat wah. Bahkan lebih WAH dari kedua rivalnya yang sudah ada.
Seperti diketahui saat ini Kawasaki Ninja 250 dijual Rp 58,2 juta OTR Jabotabek untuk varian standar. Sementara varian Ninja 250 SE LTD dibanderol Rp 61,9 juta dan yang terakhir Rp 68,6 juta untuk Ninja 250 ABS SE LTD.Misalnya yang paling dinantikan adalah hadirnya suspensi depan upside-down, swing-arm banana berbahan alumunium, fitur Riding Mode + sistem Throttle Ride By Wire, lampu LED dan rem ABS (Antilock Braking System). Fiturnya sih “WAH” tapi berapa harganya? Bahasa Jawanya “PIROAN”? Nah ini dia yang mengganjal tentu soal banderol harga. Mau dijual berapa tuh CBR250RR?
Kawasaki Ninja 250 ABS SE Limited Edition harga Rp 68,6 juta
Kawasaki Ninja 250 ABS SE Limited Edition harga Rp 68,6 juta
Yamaha R25 lebih murah lagi yakni kurang lebih sekitar Rp 53 jutaan, beda daerah beda harga soalnya. Adapun untuk New CBR250RR, media otomotif luar negeri sempat menebak harganya di kisaran 83 jutaan.
Buat gambaran saja, berapa harga suspensi upside-down milik Yamaha Xabre? Sekitar Rp 5 jutaan kata YIMM (bukan 15 juta) dan itu buatan Kayaba (KYB). Untuk alumunium banana swing-arm dan Riding Mode + Ride By Wire milik CBR250RR itu tentu kasmin gak tau harga ecerannya, mahal itu… hehe
Leasing siap membantu anda berapapun harganya. Ngoahahaha....
Leasing siap membantu anda berapapun harganya. Ngoahahaha….
Memang Honda tak pernah menjual produk serupa dengan harga yang lebih murah dari kompetitornya. Dan itu fakta sejak dulu, apapun jenis produknya pasti lebih mahal walau hanya beda 50 ribu. Yang kasmin tau sih begitu saat pelisiran ke dealer H dan Y. Pelisiran doank sih gak beli, cuma liat SPG-nya. hahaha
Ohhya tebakan kasmin Honda CBR250RR dua-silinder akan dijual di rentang harga Rp 65-80 juta dengan beragam fitur yang WAH itu. Semoga tidak melesat, ehh meleset. hehe…#cumaopini

Mesin Bermasalah, Husqvarna Recall TR650 Terra dan TR650 Strada

GRC - Brand motor asal Austria, KTM, telah menerima laporan yang mengindikasikan bahwa mesin motor dual sport Husqvarna TR650 Terra dan supermoto Husqvarna TR650 Strada menggalami stall alias mati mendadak. Jelas ini menjadi permasalahan serius, apalagi berurusan dengan safety, sehingga KTM melakukna investigasi untuk mengetahui penyebabnya.
Seperti dikutip dari autoevolution, hingga kini KTM Amerika Utara masih melakukan proses investigasi dan tidak memberikan banyak data mengenai permasalahan engine stall pada Husqvarna TR650 Terra dan Husqvarna TR650 Strada. Hanya saja, berdasarkan dokumen NHTSA, Magneti Marelli menjadi salah satu pihak yang disebut dalam permasalahan ini. Surat resmi dari KTM Amerika Utara menyebutkan bahwa kedua tipe motor Husqvarna menggunakan komponen sistem manajemen bahan bakar buatan Magneti Marelli yang berasal dari Italia.
Husqvarna TR650 Terra dan Husqvarna TR650 Strada yang mengalami masalah engine stall diproduksi pada rentang antara 1 Januari 2012 hingga 31 Desember 2013. Pada rentang waktu tersebut, Husqvarna masih dimiliki oleh BMW Motorrad, tapi kemudian dijual kepada KTM pada awal tahun 2013, sehingga sangat mungkin motor yang mengalami masalah diproduksi ketika masa transisi. Sekarang KTM sebagai pemilik dari Husqvarna berupaya mencari solusi yang cepat terkait dengan permasalahan ini. KTM pun sudah menghubungi Magneti Marelli dan BMW Motorrad untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai motor Husqvarna TR650 Terra dan Husqvarna TR650 Strada.
Kenapa sih kok permasahan engine stall membuat motor di-recall? Ya jelas saja mesin yang mati secara tiba-tiba bisa meningkatkan risiko terjadinya kecelakaan, yang berujung pada cidera, kematian, atau kerusakan secara material. Di Amerika Serikat ada sekitar 1.015 unit Husqvarna TR650 Terra dan Husqvarna TR650 Strada lansiran tahun 2013 yang diperkirakan terkena imbas permasalahan engine stall. Kemungkinan juga Husqvarna TR650 Terra dan Husqvarna TR650 Strada yang disebar ke berbagai penjuru dunia dengan rentang produksi di atas juga mengalami masalah.
Nah, setelah Husqvarna resmi dimiliki oleh KTM, produksi Husqvarna TR650 Terra dan Husqvarna TR650 Strada dihentikan. Selama beberapa tahun Husqvarna tidak memproduksi dan menjual motor dual sport maupun supermoto dengan kapasitas 650 cc. Sebagai gantinya, pada tahun 2015, Husqvarna meluncurkan dua produk baru, yaitu Husqvarna 701 Enduro dan Husqvarna 701 Supermoto. Keduanya tidak lagi mengambil basis rangka dan mesin yang sama dengan Husqvarna TR650 Terra dan Husqvarna TR650 Strada, melainkan menggunakan platform yang sama dengan KTM 690 Enduro R dan KTM 690 SMC R.




Honda Pamerkan Line up Big Bike di IIMS 2016

GRC - Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2016 bisa disebut sebagai pameran otomotif yang fokus pada kendaraan roda empat atau lebih. Intinya pameran mobil sih. Tapi brand motor terbesar di indonesia, Honda, berencana ikut ambil bagian dalam pameran ini mas bro. Tentu saja Honda nggak akan memamerkan motor-motor kecil, melainkan varian big bike yang harganya setara dengan mobil!
Nah menurut rilis yang diterima oleh dari Astra Honda Motor (AHM), mereka bakal memboyong seluruh lineup big bike di IIMS 2016. Memang AHM punya big bike apa saja sih? Saat ini varian big bike dari AHM tergolong lengkap kok mas bro, ada Honda CB500F, Honda CB500X, Honda CBR500R, Honda CB650F ABS, Honda CBR650F ABS, Honda CBR1000RR SP, hingga Honda NM4 Vultus.
Apakah cuma itu saja? Ternyata nggak juga mas bro. Selain deretan big bike yang sudah disebutkan itu, AHM juga memamerkan Honda RC213V-S, sebuah motor yang dikembangkan dari motor prototipe di MotoGP dan diproduksi dalam jumlah terbatas di plant Honda yang berada di Kumamoto, Jepang. Tidak lupa motor baru All New Honda CBR150R juga turut diboyong untuk memeriahkan IIMS 2016.
Tertarik melihat atau membeli berbagai produk Honda? Rasanya nggak salah kalau mas bro datang ke IIMS pada 7-14 April 2016 nanti. Apalagi booth Honda tergolong sangat lega dengan luas 128 meter persegi lengkap dengan konsep premium. Pasti enak banget deh buat mantengin berbagai produk Honda, termasuk Honda Ladies yang siap berpose di depan kamera mas bro sekalian.
“Kami ingin berinteraksi langsung dengan suasana yang nyaman di booth Honda. Motor impian masyarakat kami hadirkan sebagai persembahan khusus bagi para pecinta otomotif di Indonesia yang berkunjung di pameran IIMS 2016.  Motor sport terbaru, Honda CBR150R sebagai produksi anak bangsa kami hadirkan untuk dapat dimiliki secara langsung pada pameran ini,” ungkap General Manager Marketing Planning and Analysis Division AHM A. Indraputra.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Natural beauty Mountains in Bromo Never Make Bored

GRC - Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park has become an icon of tourism in East Java. Very many local and foreign traveler who came to Bromo, especially on weekends, to enjoy the natural beauty of the mountains Bromo very intriguing. They flocked to the Bromo to enjoy each of the attractions there. Even if a traveler had ever come to Bromo though will never be bored looking at her beauty. Then, there was anything interesting objects in Bromo?
To get to Bromo there are several entrances. One entrance commonly used by traveler is Cemoro Lawang (Sukapura) situated on the side of Probolinggo. The consideration is very simple ... Access road to Cemoro Lawang to say the easiest and most good. Public transportation to Cemoro Lawang of Probolinggo also quite a lot, even available until late afternoon. Moreover, in Cemoro Lawang is already widely available accommodation from simple lodging at reasonable cost up to class five-star hotel accommodation. The traveler who wants to Bromo to use public transport can take the bus from Surabaya Probolinggo goal, then replace the shuttles from Probolinggo Bromo goal. Public transport from Probolinggo to Bromo is generally in the form of ELF.
Traveler highly recommended to Cemoro Lawang in the late afternoon or evening. After arriving in Lawang Cemoro can rest at the inn. Well why not until the afternoon or mornings only? Yes okay really come in the morning or afternoon. However, one of the main menu when traveling to see the sunrise at Bromo is the highlight Penanjakan. To go Penanjakan and around to the various tourist spots in Bromo, a traveler can use two alternate transportation, the hardtop or motorcycle. Which one to choose? Yes depends on the number of groups and funds. If traveling a crowd does not hurt to hire a car or Jeep Hardtop with around Rp 500,000 to Rp 600,000. If traveling alone could use a motorcycle taxi service with rates ranging from Rp 100,000 to Rp 150,000. Smart to just negotiate with the service providers. Hardtop alone but want to ride? It could be really, just look for service providers hardtop with sharing system. Usually Hardtop with this sharing system to bill US $ 100,000 per person.
Tourism in Bromo is indeed very unique know traveler. Crowds at Bromo already noticeable since 03.00 am today because the traveler is already getting ready to go to Penanjakan. The air is very cold and drowsiness may make some reluctant traveler. But you should still not to late to get up let me not lose the moment look very beautiful sunrise. From Cemoro Lawang, the sky was still dark when the Hardtop and the motor group has been working hard towards Penanjakan through the sea of ​​sand, further rise towards Penanjakan road conditions were very challenging, with climbs and corners extremes. Bangeett will be exciting !! Well, if you've got Penanjakan just waiting on a stage that is provided to view the sunrise. Where else can you watch the sunrise complete with a view of Mount Bromo, Mount Batok and Mount Semeru in one frame if not in Penanjakan? Very pretty sure !!
Already satisfied meliaht sunrise? A traveler can go down from Penanjakan headed to the region of Mount Bromo and Mount Batok. Do not forget, in all the way down the many beautiful spots to take pictures. Do not hesitate to ask the driver hardtop or motorcycle taxi drivers paused at the photo spot is considered attractive. When you get in the region of Mount Bromo and Mount Batok, a traveler can take pictures with the background of Mount Batok very iconic, horseback riding, to climb to the summit crater of Mount Bromo. Despite its title climb, but climb to Mount Bromo was not difficult. Simply by climbing several hundred stairs really.
Quite up there alone? Surely not ... Traveler dong can still visit other objects located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. Two of them are Berbisik and Padang Pasir Savana. Whispering sand is actually a sea of ​​sand, but it often happens fairly strong winds, causing sound like a whisper. While Padang Savana is the greenest places located around Mount Bromo, grassland very pretty. These two objects is complementary to the sunrise at the crater of Mount Bromo Penanjakan and highly to be missed.