Friday, April 29, 2016

Hidden beach in Yogyakarta

GRC - If you are a beach lover and are planning a vacation to Jogja, then 5 the following beaches worth to you go, though it requires extra effort because it is hidden. Although the need for extra effort to visit five beaches in Yogyakarta, but your efforts will be comparable with the satisfaction that you get. 1. Turkish Wohkudu This beach has a charm that is very different when compared to other beaches in Yogyakarta. A hidden location for terapit by two cliffs in the area of ​​the District Grill, Gunung Kidul, deserted beaches make it ideal for those who want to find serenity.

2. Turkish Jogan

Located about 2 hours by road from the city center, the beaches are hidden behind the limestone hills of Mount Sewu Geopark area, it has a panoramic view of Gunung rare in Indonesia, which is a waterfall that falls directly into the sea!

3. Coastal Nglambor

Hidden among Siung and Turkish Jogan, Nglambor beach is one of the few beaches in Yogyakarta which could be used for snorkeling. The presence of two large coral islands across the beach to make the coastal waters become relatively quiet so you can swim freely and enjoy the beauty of underwater nature.

4. Turkish Ngrenehan

This beach can become the object of photography fun of the existence of the surrounding cliffs, the beauty of the shades of the sea, and fishing activities around the coast. Ngrenehan Beach is located in Kanigoro, District Saptosari, Gunung Kidul.

Foto kiriman indonesian_beach (@indonesian_beach) pada 

5. Beach Watulawang

Watulawang beach located between two beaches is already very well known, namely Indrayanti beaches and beach Pok Tunggal. The most interesting part of a visit to this beach is when you reach the top of a rock cave that divides the beach into two parts.

How, if you are interested in visiting the beach 5 while on vacation to Jogja later?

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