Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Tuktuk Siadong, Beautiful Village in Samosir Island

GRC - The main tourist destinations on the island of Samosir is mostly centered in the District Simanindo, Samosir, North Sumatra. Tomok village known as the main port and out of the island. In addition, Tomok also store a variety of historical and cultural attractions, from the tomb of King Sidabutar, Statue Sigale-Gale, until the Batak Museum Tomok, thus becoming the destinations most visited by tourists.
If Tomok famous for its cultural and historical attractions, unlike the case with Tuktuk Siadong located between Tomok and Ambarita. Tuktuk better known as a gathering place for the resorts, hotels and inns on the island. A traveler could find alternative accommodation which is pretty much in Tuktuk with diverse range of price variation. It could be said that Tuktuk is the center of the gathering of the traveler, both domestic and foreign.
Various purposes of traveler is available in full in Tuktuk, ranging from accommodation, restaurants, cafes, mini market, car and motorcycle rental, travel agencies and travel, as well as a variety of other purposes. Tuktuk, a traveler can easily find souvenir shops selling handicraft objects Batak, especially the art of carving and cutting tool made of a wooden base.
After various purposes available in Tuktuk complete traveler, traveler can also enjoy the natural beauty of Lake Toba is incredible there. Tuktuk Siadong village was already quite well known as one of the best locations to enjoy the beauty of Lake Toba. Moreover, there are many buildings of Batak very attracted the attention of the traveler. Various marine tourism activities can be done in Tuktuk, including swimming, diving, sailing, playing canoe, and fishing in the waters of Lake Toba is very clear.
How to get to Tuktuk Siadong? If a traveler was in Tomok certainly easy enough to reach Tuktuk Siadong. Every day, from morning to night is quite a lot of public transport that passes through the path between Tomok and Pangururan. Unfortunately, this transport does not pass Tuktuk Siadong altogether. So the traveler who ride public transportation can be dropped off at the edge of the highway junction towards Tuktuk Siadong. Furthermore, from the edge of the road could use the services of a motorcycle taxi to arrive in the village of Tuktuk Siadong.

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