Monday, April 4, 2016

The key is to change our habits in the use of water And Save Our World

GRC - Actually, there are some things we can do to save water in simple ways. The key is to change our habits in the use of water. Here are some examples of behaviors to conserve water :
1 . Advantage of optimal water , always take care and do not let a leaking pipeline . Fix it immediately if there is a leak in the water pipe installation We , leaks one drop of water can reach the 2,400 gallons of water a year .
2 . Bathing should not be too long . Do not let the faucet water is continuously when we ‘re brushing your teeth , washing your face or shaving , washing dishes and other . One minute we let the water faucet is open , at least 5 liters of water wasted . Using a shower or shower rather than bath water savings using a bailer .
3 . Use a bucket of water while washing a car or a motorcycle , so do not squander the water continues to pour out of the hose . If you still want to use the hose , turn off the water when a new turn when the lather and rinse will . A quarter of an hour to close the faucet , we helped save tens of liters of water .
4 . Wash in large quantities of water will be more efficient than a little , but often . If you do not use the washing machine , do not rinse under the faucet immediately , but the perspective of collecting water in buckets for rinsing . The water on the last rinse , can be used for cleaning floors . If you do not use deodorant rinse once , then the second and third rinse water also can you use to mop the floor .
5 . Do not use clean water when watering the yard or plants . Use household waste water that is not too dirty , for example, residual water when washing the rice to cook rice or water used when washing vegetables , meat or fish , or if you are a Muslim , you can be ablution water capacity shall be used for watering plants .
6 . Strive to make the water absorption wells and bio- pores in the residence . Utilizing yard area with partially open garden made ​​of green , is to retain rain water can seep directly into the soil . In addition to absorbing wells , it’s good we also make biopori to prevent flooding and maintain environmental sustainability . Bio pore is made easy when you simply make a hole about 30 cm in diameter with a depth of 1.5 meters to 2 meters . This hole you fill with fall leaves that we get to clean up the yard.Close the hole with a plate that easily opened , the cover prevents children fall into a pit . Once the pit is full , leave it for 1 month , then grab decomposing leaves to be used as fertilizer .
Let us begin to conserve water to save our life together , no matter how small acts if performed together continuously Insya Allah will provide a tremendous impact .

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