Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What Is The Meaning Of Nikah? This is the answer According to the view of Islam That Make You Amazed

Nikah (نكاح) consists of four letters that

Nun (ن), Kaf (ك), Alif (ا), and Ha '(ح). When parsed, it turns out the four letters that form a secret wedding. Nikah it Favors

Apasih Meaning Of Nikah? This is the answer According to the view of Islam That Make You Amazed

Apasih Arti Dari Nikah? Inilah Jawaban Menurut Pandangan Agama Islam Yang Membuat Kamu Kagum

Nun stands for favors (نعمة). Marriage is actually a favor. A huge favor. Start of the ceremony, the first night until the whole duration of the family was scrumptious.

Strange shivers when the ceremony was scrumptious. From loneliness to a life together in love is delicious. The presence of the pair as a place to share and motivator was scrumptious. Etc.

Because marriage is a favor, then he should be grateful. If husband and wife are grateful, wedding favors will increase, the marriage be blessed.
Nikah was Glory

Kaf stands Karamah (كرمة): glory. Marriage brings glory.

In Javanese tradition, a married person is called wong (people). For example the phrase "my son papat, wis telu sing dadi wong" (my four, of which three are already so people).

That the three are married.

In Islam, married referred to having half of religion. So it is advisable to meet the other half by increasing piety. Because in general, people who have been married more easily keep your eyes and honor. He bears responsibility for a living and later on educating children. It makes it closer to piety and the most precious in the sight of Allah is the most pious.
Nikah was Valentines

Alif stands ulfah which also means affection. Marriage is essentially a relationship of affection. Marriage without love will fail.

To grow and maintain affection, husband and wife need to understand each partner. There is a difference between men and women. Men's results-oriented and phase to achievement, relationship-oriented woman and love. Men generally do not like to take advice when he asks. Women generally like storytelling to share the juice to be relieved, but he did not like the story is considered finding a solution.

Worship to pray and encourage one another, especially the night prayer, is the way to grow and strengthen affection.
Full of marriage Hikmah

Ha 'stands for wisdom (حكمة). Getting married was a lot of lesson. Starting from the wisdom of psychological, medical wisdom, to social wisdom.

Among the lessons Prophet affirmed marriage when encouraging youth to get married. "O youth, whoever of you who have had the ability, he should get married because marriage can be lower his gaze and guard of honor"

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