Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Kesirat Beach, Paradise for Fisher

GRC - Uncle and aunt, after being stagnant for a long time, let's further exploration of interesting spots in Gunung Kidul, one of the districts in the province of Yogyakarta.
Still struggling in the District Bake nih om and aunt, there is a beach which is quite interesting to visit, his name Kesirat Beach. This beach is located Dusun Karang, Village Girikarto, Bake. Basically Kesirat waterfront location within walking distance of Gesing. Only hints towards Turkish Kesirat was minimal. If anything, the size is very small signpost. So it is highly advisable to ask the local people.
Unlike the current toward the beach Ngunggah the need for extra effort, a trip to the beach Kesirat relatively easier. Why? The road condition is pretty good, made of cast-cement castings, penetrate the limestone hills that go up and down, and often pass through villages and fields owned by residents. No need to get to the special motors Kesirat Beach location. Any type of motor can safely there, including for scooter though. There's no problem.
Turkish Kesirat classified beach which is very quiet and still very rarely visited by tourists. Do not expect to see a long stretch of beach with white sand here, because it was not there. Type Kesirat beach is more in the form of steep cliffs, but the landscape is very charming. In some corners will be seen people who were fishing or casting nets. Yups, Kesirat Beach is known as a paradise for anglers. I met and chatted with the two anglers who have completed an activity. The catch is they are not much, but enough for a side dish at home.
Selain terkenal sebagai suraganya pemancing, Pantai Kesirat juga sangat cocok digunakan untuk camping. Di tepi pantai ini terdapat area kosong yang luas, hanya berupa rerumputan, dan tentunya sangat cocok untuk mendirikan tenda. Kalau mau camping di sini om dan tante perlu menyiapkan kebutuhan logistik. Soalnay nggak ada sama sekali orang yang berjualan ataupun membuka warung di Pantai Kesirat. Kalaupun ada warga yang ke area ini, paling hanya untuk memancing atau mengambil rumput bagi binatang ternak.
As well as suraganya angler, Turkish Kesirat also very suitable for camping. On the beach there are vast empty area, only in the form of grass, and of course very suitable to set up a tent. If you want camping here om and tante need to set up logistics needs. Soalnay not exist at all people who sell or kiosks in Turkish Kesirat. Even if there are people to this area, most just for fishing or take grass for cattle.

There is one thing that is very iconic in Turkish Kesirat, namely the Gebangkoro tree that grows just above the seaside cliffs. Many people call this tree as an evergreen tree. Its size is not large, but yes only one tree was the most striking and most of the other trees. Most delicious anyway if daytime shelter under the tree, looking at the beauty of South Sea Beach Kesirat. Do not know why the tree is called evergreen tree. Perhaps due to being the only living tree on the cliff edge of the beach. Appearance Gebangkoro tree is very interesting, at the same time giving the impression spooky ...

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