Monday, April 18, 2016


Almost one month ago, on 26 November 2014, I did a solo riding from Yogyakarta to Surabaya. Activities fairly routine I do, back and forth from Surabaya to Yogyakarta, at least one to two months.
If on the way from Surabaya to Yogyakarta I pick through Southern Trails (JLS) through Trenggalek, Pacitan, and Wonosari, to travel back to Surabaya are deliberately choosing through a somewhat cool, especially if not Tawangmangu.
The journey starts at home in Bantul around 05.00. Yes more or less after dawn lah. As usual, these trips through Prambanan, Klaten, and Solo, then proceed to the Karanganyar and climb up towards Tawangmangu. There's nothing special anyway in the course of the morning .. Understandably also weekday, when traveling through the Solo and Karanganyar bit crowded because many workers who come to work and children go to school.
Before arriving in Tawangmangu, I invite Si Grasshopper Tempur toward first Kemuning Tea Gardens on the slopes of Mount Lawu, precisely in the District Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar, approximately 10 kilometers from the main road Solo-Tawangmangu. The road to Kemuning Tea Garden is arguably very exciting, full of climbs and a very sharp bend. A relatively narrow road also becomes a challenge and force anyone to be extra careful when crossed.
Tea Gardens Kemuning according to my store of outstanding natural scenery. Why? Its location at an altitude between 800-1500 meters and filled with green tea plant which makes it eye-catching. Especially in the morning the weather is still very nice. The sun was shining and the blue sky made the landscape more spectacular. Temperatures in the area Kemuning Tea Garden is also very cool to make anyone feel at home was lingering there. Should still come here early, because when it's noon or late afternoon Tea Gardens Kemuning has been covered by thick fog. Is also very high chance of rain in the afternoon or evening.
Of Tea Gardens Kemuning I continue my journey to higher ground, ie Cetho. Inclines toward this Cetho no less ferocious know. But with Si Grasshopper Tempur be fairly easy, especially Si Grasshopper Tempur already changed the rear sprocket with 50T size, bulldoze climbs even more lightly.
Ramp-high incline towards Cetho is not surprising. Lha wong temple site located at an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level anyway. Exactly, Cetho located on the western slopes of Mount Lawu, Hamlet Cetho, Gumereng Village, District Jenawi, Karanganyar, Central Java. No doubt that the air here is very cool, and even tend to be cold. Not only that, the scenery here is also very spectacular.
Now, the building is similar Cetho like building in prehistoric times, terraces resembling punden. There are at least 13 Cetho terrace which stretches from west to east. The higher the location of the terrace (the east) indicates the more sacred location, to the top of the porch in the form of the most sacred buildings. That said, the location of this Cetho once a place of meditation for the king of Majapahit, Brawijaya.
Besides Cetho, in some locations there are also other objects, such as Puri Saraswati and Temple Kethek. To reach Puri Saraswati still quite easy because of its location not far from Cetho. If it's to Kethek temple is in need of a larger effort, because we must trekking bit far, even across the river. Monggo deh discover all that to Cetho, bear far already up here.
I'm still not just once or twice to Tea Gardens Kemuning and Cetho. If calculated already four times I came here .. Three times riding the bike and one driving a car wearing the same family together. Two locations have indeed become my favorite travel spots in Central Java. In addition to a cool place and nice scenery, also still empty of visitors compared to other places, take samples Grojogan Sewu Waterfall in Tawangmangu. And thankfully when I took the family here they all love.
Well .. After quite satisfied breath of fresh air in Cetho me down deh, back past the Tea Gardens Kemuning, slightly rising again toward Sukuh, and then pass through the estate and township residents up to the rear entrance Grojogan Sewu Waterfall. But I did not stop by anyway and applause directly onto the highway heading toward Cemoro Cage / Cemoro Sewu which became the border between Central Java (Karanganyar) and East Java (Magetan). Oh yes, Cemoro Cage and Cemoro Sewu this is the entrance to the ascent of Mount Lawu. For uncle and aunt who want to climb Mount Lawu can make a start here. These doors are commonly used ya know. Another alternative could be through the door Cetho earlier.
In this Sewu Cemoro I paused at a stall. Stomach started rumbling and to be filled with rabbit satay. Along this road there are loads of stalls lined up .. Monggo been just according to taste. Indeed most delicious anyway in a very cool relax while eating rabbit satay, grilled corn, and coffee. Joss really
Once full, so continue on again .. Cemoro Cage / Cemoro Sewu is a vehicle through which the highest point on this line. So after that the road conditions will be more downhill. Need to be extra careful too because a lot of sharp turns. The road was still good, wide, but do not get complacent. In this trip I also passed Telaga Saragan. Not stopping also because it has been several times, only photos of roadside wrote.

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