Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Learning From Failure to Success Flies And Ants

GRC - When asked whether the failure? Reason is a healthy person will answer in unison, yes adalaah..masa hell ga no such thing as failure. Naahhh..Namun's where her keys. Failure and success is how we perceive the meaning of failure and success.

If someone believes that the failure exists, then it is doomed to fail, but on the contrary, if not believe he will be successful failure. There are 3 ways should mind looking at a failure:
First, the failure was not there.
There is only results not as expected. When is currently experiencing a failure, think of it as a strong footing and the best lesson for the next step. Throughout there is still a business, can not be said to fail.
Second, failing that (read: the results are not in line with expectations) is human.
This means that only God Almighty Never Fails. With the failure makes us closer to the Essence of the Supreme Never Fails is God.
Third, it fails very valuable lesson.
With the failure, if we kept trying to get up, we get a lot of lessons in life. Great man is a man who wants to learn from its failures. Behind the failure of the stored one million life experiences are priceless.
Then what to do with Flies dong? Ants?
The fly is one of the animals that do not learn from failure and do not dare try
Another way to be successful.
People who fail to actually just like flies.
Have you ever looked flies seeks out and blocked by a glass., Occasionally jumping and crashing glass, with the relentless flies trying to get out of the glass. The fly was creeping around the glass from top to bottom and from left to right back and forth so go on and on repeatedly. He kept banging him without trying to find a way out
Today more and evening the flies had appeared exhausted and starving and the next morning it seemed the flies lay slumped on the floor.
Loooh..bukankah fly it sudh trying? he really has struggled trying to get out of the glass door, but when it did not also find a way out, he was frustrated and exhausted and eventually fell dying.
Her question, why fly it fails though he had tried sungguh2 and strive ?? why did not it work? what's wrong ?
Repeatedly the fly using methods similar but failed to passed.
As a result….?
flies will die because due to exhaustion and wasteful use her potential.
It is very different if we look at ants ... ..
Ever see an ant when he blocked achieve her goal?
Ants are always trying to find alternatives path for achieving its goal. If obstructed then he will try to find the best and closest way for him to get what is intended.
Also Read: Read verse It To Heart Calm and Excitement
How about you in addressing the obstacles ..? want to try like flies were relentless and have tried repeatedly, only he did it in ways similar "
or like ants who always looks for the best way, to change the direction and manner.
The choice is yourself

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